Name some dutch kinos

name some dutch kinos

Attached: 1642629279267.webm (600x800, 1.85M)

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Attached: based dutchies.webm (382x680, 2.96M)


I think you Yanks will like Flodders in Amerika

Attached: MV5BYTQ2YTNhMTktMmY1ZS00MGUzLWE0ZjItOWI4OGU1YmJiMTQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzE2MTQyMzM@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1423, 253.46K)

Is this spee-tee-vee?

>women can't be funn..

Attached: women are funny.webm (576x1024, 2.79M)

Accused (2005)

Attached: Accused.jpg (1000x1361, 119.67K)



Women disappoint me.




rolled it way lighter for suzanne than selma

that's not dutch...

The Dutch have a reputation for being the least hygienic country in Europe. Every Dutch person I've met stinks

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Attached: 1444569629790.jpg (1024x768, 74.05K)

>t. seething shartmerican

now remove the make up and skin tight pants

just another average whore

all women are the same, liars and whores

i REFUSE to believe dutch is an actual language
This one you wont regret watching

>seething redditspacing incel

Ik ook

Only good thing swamp niggers ever did is evolve in Afrkaaners (master race)

Attached: 1655172020958.jpg (750x864, 504.63K)

>t. amerimutt Any Forumstard

Women are cringe and this pathetic attempt at humour reinforces that belief.

you literally just typed random keys from your keyboard, dont lie

it's just incel coomer bait

who cares as long as she's MY whore? you want some frigid girl in bed?

>you will never fuck a girl prone bone

Attached: 132.png (660x574, 375.08K)

why don't you two fagots get a room ?