
Attached: FVyhPHPXwAEH77n.png (595x452, 261.44K)

They could of used the word racist at least 3 more times. Oh how journalism has fallen.

So Any Forums went from hating cops to liking cops? What strange times.

Why is he so brown?

(and that's a good thing)

hate emile hirsch

Movies are back

Based Mel making Jews seethe even to this day.

and you don't understand why posting this makes you, OP, a total faggot?

They like how they cowardly let children die

>Polanski cornholes a minor and flees the country
>OMG we should forgive him
>Gibson says some mean things and commits only misdemeanors

Sounds like an oscar worthy movie.

read this in the movie trailer voice and holy shit where do i get tickets?

Looking forward to it

It's never enough is it? They will forever hold the racist rants and mysoginistic comments and insensitive remarks and his violent tirades against him will they?

Attached: mel-zeus.jpg (634x907, 109.4K)

Is that why he wasnt in Fury road?

what's the name of the movie? i must watch it when it comes out

jewish libel is relentless, they'll still be slandering him when he's long dead

Oof, trying to use hate speech against an actress? Yikes!

I actually agree for once. They did him dirty. "PACK OF WILD N--?"

slander and libel don't apply to the dead, so it'll get worse. That's the same reason all those Michael Jackson documentaries came out after he was dead. The dead can't be damaged financially.