Least pozzed animated film of 2022 is from... pakistan

>least pozzed animated film of 2022 is from... pakistan

Attached: MV5BYjU1NzI4ODMtNjQzYS00ZDA5LWE4NDktNjcwMDM2NDQ0NWI3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjg0MjcyMzM@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1419, 96.91K)


Nice. Can't wait tor the illegal r34

Fuck pakistani dogs, India number one sir

Kill yourself. Do it right now. Choke yourself to death. Put a bullet in your head.

It's not out though, is it? Also, trannies ass mad about this, lol.

>Pakistani movie
>white characters
>white country movie
>brown characters
Why people cant love their own race?

Why they got mad?

Attached: 1653857543559.png (686x776, 774.45K)

Pakistanies are dirty muslims that's why.

Better than atheists.

Shiva is the only real god thoug, Allah and Muhamad are whores in comaprison.

>not even monotheistic

Go fuck yourself white basterd, hindi religion is real one!

Looks wholesome, thanks for the recommend, OP. The bitching on this godforsaken board is hilarious, people keep complaining about the Any Forums presence while Hollywood keeps releasing genuinely disgusting propaganda like Lightyear.


its bots

Poos. Any Forums is full of poo. Why do you think we have all those SIRS threads, people constantly accusing each other of being ESLs and those Indian joker webm threads? It's all unironic. Who but poos would know they exist.

I've never had a gf

western countries are like that because of jews.

when i travel across the border to india to take care of business i pull up in my car at any local mandir. anyway the hindu whores see me they identify me as a Muslim Man and i can pretty much chose any single or married hindu woman to take in my car and creampie. this causes anger and rage for hindu indian men to no end but that is the power we have over our hindu neighbours their women simply belong to us and the men impotently rage here on 4channel.

You're impressing no one.

She's impressing me.

All of you turd worlders should get permabanned.

>all americans, south americans, australians and africans get banned
i wish

muslims and hindus too

haha watch arcane