Only good Japanese movies itt

Only good Japanese movies itt

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Is that Shozo Endo?

I recommend The Last Samurai. Japanese kino at its finest.

There are no good Japanese movies because not a single one of these fuckers can act. I watched Battle Royal which is commonly held as one of their better films but I had to turn it off because the protagonist's actor was so awful and his fucked up teeth were so distracting.

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Personally, I know it's very mainstream but I love Departures (2008). Beautifully shot, slightly more intimate and confidential than average, also the characters really seem to enjoy eating, in the same way I do (it doesn't have to be sophisticated dishes, you can tell in the movie that it's food more for the soul than the stomach)

Still Walking
The Taste of Tea
Yakuza and the Family
37 Seconds
Our Little Sister
Linda Linda Linda
Why Don't You Play in Hell?

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The First was a boring romance movie with little action and a weird cancer couple plot that served almost nothing. But Kamen Rider The Next was such a poorly written, poorly acted beautiful mess that I can't help but to love it, the final fight being the most hilarious attempt at being brutal while keeping it's PG-12 rating, also there's a scene with a nude lady, so that's nice.

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live action adaptations of anime and manga are inferior to their drawn counterparts because animation is better than live action inherently unless you're dealing with a very, very grounded narrative. The acting in their regular movies compared to that shit may as well be a different world.

Abassu Kiarossutani

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>There are no good Japanese movies

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Pic related. Just started delving into Jissoji's non-tokusatsu stuff and it's everything I wanted from him. Also incest is hot.

Battle Royale is an adaptation of a novel, but the gist of your post is correct. Most people here seem to just watch cheap anime adaptations for children and base their entire opinion of Japanese cinema on those.

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>Only good Japanese movies itt
you posted full list already

>muh ACTING midwit

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This movie came out at the same time as Spirited Away so it was almost totally ignored, but it's a real masterpiece.

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which film is this?

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literally me

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I don't know if I'd call it a masterpiece, but it's a great flick. Better than all the Ghibli shit, but basically all of those movies are for kids, so that's a given.

Relaxed and wholesome.

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