
>trains on dagobah for like 1-2 days
>instantly becomes cocky, grandmaster jedi
>instantly is able to do things no other jedi would be able to do

>trains with swordstaff for years
>learns the force
>becomes jedi

Attached: lukevsrey.png (1280x720, 1.03M)

Luke spends a week with Yoda, gets cocky, thinks he can defeat Vader, then gets his ass handed to him. He only becomes a Jedi between Empire and ROTJ, and years could have passed between those movies. Nice try

star wars? im out
female mc? im out so fast it will make your head spin

>trains on dagobah for like 1-2 days
The film never states how long exactly he stayed there, but it was almost certainly more than just a few days.
>instantly becomes cocky, grandmaster jedi
Except he doesn't.
>instantly is able to do things no other jedi would be able to do
Not really. He just does the usual shit, and not even comes close to all the bullshit acrobatics of the prequel jedi.

Luke kinda sucked as a force user and he had incredibly bad situational judgement. But, to be fair, so did Rey.

>>instantly is able to do things no other jedi would be able to do
lol like what?

Meanwhile Rey beat Kylo Ren twice with zero training.

>trains on dagobah for like 1-2 days
Luke was on there for around a month.

Not quite. Luke only became a Jedi after confronting Vader a second time. Yoda was very clear about this.
Rey didn't become a Jedi.

Rey had over a year of Jedi training with Leia and Luke's books. Rey is a bad character with a cute actress, chuds just don't know how to criticize her.

>becomes jedi
becomes ALL the jedi

itt: mad spics trying to impress white men

People can say mary sue mary sue all they want, Daisy Ridley is charismatic as hell in that movie

Trains with Yoda for a couple days
>Loses hand
>Almost dies
>Poor choices almost get his friends killed when they rescue him
Truly a master Jedi with 0 flaws

>The most powerful Jedi in all of Star Wars canon

Say something nice about her.

Attached: rey.jpg (1280x720, 55.73K)

I unironically would let Daisy enslave and rape me.

>becomes ALL the jedi
And Ahsoka. Don't forget that she became Ahsoka too. Can't have a Star Wars without Filoni's waifu.

>is also a Palpatine

Sheevbros won


when he rescues han from jabba, he acts like hes a literal god, without even his lightsword. and he gets a plot armor escape.

Luke got his ass handed to him at just about every fight, only managed to destroy the death star with help from Ben

Attached: 2b3.jpg (504x768, 53.32K)

>The most powerful Jedi in all of Star Wars canon
That's gonna be Kotor 1 or 2 remake protagonist kek

>Things that happen in a movie set years after the events OP is bitching about

Are you some kind of retard? His intimidation falls flat and he gets dropped into the Rancor pit and later captured. He only escapes through great luck after a very difficult struggle.

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