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what is this

pleb filter: the episode

Elden Ring

it really is, the amount of people that seethed over the artistic dancing was astonishing to me

So, user, knowing you'll for sure lose your dick, would you still stick it in?

hurr durr pleb filter hurr durr
get fucked, user, this was political trash and you know it

Did anyone used to watch the show Eye Drops on TechTV back in the day? Because this episode reminded me a lot of it

well obviously not because you need it to piss

How the fuck was it political in anyway? Because of the Conquistadors or whatever they're called?

this was such kino, the whole episode

I've literally only met two types of people on this board regarding this episode

Type 1
>Wahhh it made my brain hurt, too much going on, I didn't get it

Type 2
>Holy kino, beautiful story and artistic interpretation of a classic tale with nice historic themes, fincher approves

Which type are you?

Should I get shitflix so I can watch this

Type 3: It didn't make my brain hurt, I did get it, too much was going on, it was ugly and faussement intellectuel

it was a breath of fresh air in a sea of quips

>Deaf retard is suddenly no longer deaf because
Shit episode for ADHD fags who need jingling keys on screen to keep their attention

i didn't see it

>too much was going on
Sorry to say it user, but you're type 1

>muh conquistadores
>muh priests
>muh woman with magical powers clearly dressed as a mayan/atzec princess

the only cool part is him not running during the start and seeing shit unfold, just because he is deaf

>then we see them dance/fight and then he kills/rapes her, such mysoggyknees
>then he becomes "she" as punishment

fuck outta here, literally any episode is better, even the robot dissing earth ones

The entire season was shit.

You're not as smart as you think you are.

>feminism: the episode

I don't know what this is, but it looks fucking gay.

Really pretentious episode, stopped watching after this

>TFW Burgers are so warped by blackl/white morality that there literally only exists BASED and CRINGE FEMINISM for them

>All the seethin type ones itt

That too, they started well with him being deaf, so immune to the woman's charming voice, only for that not to matter anymore...after a few moments.
with no explanation or reasoning or even a nod to that in the plot, as this is without dialogue (because the main character is deaf lol)

captcha: W8MAN

Attached: jiiiiibaro.png (675x675, 619.82K)

Get out of here stalker!

Every episode this season can't even rise above the yogurt episode from s1. I was hoping for a twist or something that wasn't obvious in the first three minutes. Maybe they should have picked a different disability.

or maybe just take your pills

Based ADHD fags

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She's a siren right