Space Jam BAD

>Space Jam BAD
>Chip 'n Dale movie GOOD
How much is Disney paying them?

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Jay is a plastic humanoid
That's why his skin looks so shiny
The real, human Jay died in 2013 from AIDS

Jay isn't gay.

Space Jam is actually bad though

Compared to Back in Action, Space Jam is just downright terrible with maybe Lola the only saveable thing about it.

He had relationships with women, and sex with men
The AIDS he got from a dirty heroin needle

the aryan mouse getting bred by the fly subverted jays expectations

Space jam is shit tho so is chip and dale

>Back In Action

>Space Jam BAD
>Chip 'n Dale movie GOOD
This is true though.

>Disney should buy Warner Bros.
Man, I am really starting to hate those mouse shills

He fucked at least one troon. Counts as gay

no way

I know this is a bait thread made by a retard, but they called both of those movies shit compared to Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Rich didn’t even want to finish Chip ‘n Dale

Space Kino > Who Framed Roger Boomer
Eat shit, Yidsney shill.

Damn, I was hoping someone would take my bait...

How come he aged 10 years in 4 then?

Attached: 4years.jpg (980x497, 309.9K)

>Who Framed Roger Rabbit
>Back to the Future
>Star Wars OT
>Terminator 1 & 2
>Batman 1989
>Bill & Ted

What are some other quintessential overrated 80s flicks that everyone has seen yet are hailed as high art by Gen X midwits like RLM and James Rolfe who call them "le perfect" or "le near perfect" films?

>said he hated chip n dale but he knows other people seemed to like it
>both spent like 10 minutes talking about how shitty micky mouse is as a character and how much loony toons are better cartoons
wow much disney shills

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Both are bad, but Space Jam was successful enough to revitalize WB's animation department for another decade. In that time period, they made 5 flops.

At least two of those should have been successful but Warner's marketing department is (and was) fucking garbage.

andreno chrome cut off. that’s why they’re pandering to disney again