Have you ever met a celebrity in real life?

have you ever met a celebrity in real life?

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Mickey Rourke about 25 years ago but i didn't talk to him. I think he was with his then wife Kare Ottis. Also Billy Zane. Zane is cool

Why the fuck does this look like a 90s picture. Surely modern fashion hasn't regressed to fucking champion shirts.

I was standing behind Iggy Pop at the airport in Cabo San Lucas

Bruce Campbell and Maggie Gyllenhaal, though with Maggie she just nodded at me as we were watching a street band in New Orleans.

A couple of people from Dazed and Confused and a few from Slacker

Semi famous Guy Pearce


Champion had a brand revival that involved just printing their logo really big and jacking up the price so black people would buy it. It worked

That guy doesn't look black to me

i've seen an german tv moderator. he was staying in a hotel in my home town. when we left the bar of hotel we were drunk as fuck and yelling for hm to come out so we could beat his ass.

Many, I am a bartender.
Conan Obrien was a clearly depressed retard who berated his children.
Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue were cool and funny.

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>so black people would buy it
So zoomers would buy it. It was marketed as a black thing because that’s how you get the non-black zoomers. They’re so pathetic and subservient to niggas, wonder how they’re gonna look back on it once the years are gone. That they spent their nonrenewable youth, years unquestioningly trailing behind niggas in everything they say and do, goddamn. Wouldn’t be surprised if they turn racist after such blatant manipulation, should be so mad.

blacker than you, tyrone

I've seen William Dafoe in an airport. I noticed it to my classmates who took photos with him but I was too much of a shy bitch to go take any myself.

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Met and talked to Kevin Guthrie who has had some minor roles in Fantastic Beasts and Dunkirk
Absolute manlet that claims to be 5'7 but is more 5'3/5'4 and was overly cocky, got jailed for sexual assault at a party soon after, unsurprising

Seen a bunch but never had a desire to speak to any. I'm a man with fully functional balls, you see.

Work with celebrities all the time.

I raped and killed Brittany Murphy in the 90s

Too soon, user.

I worked overnights at the only 24/7 gas station directly off the freeway in the north cali dead zone before Oregon and have met countless comedians and low tier actors driving between Vancouver and LA.

I met Julio Iglesias and we had a chat and coffee