What are the best movies about the Holocaust...

What are the best movies about the Holocaust? I'm looking for both documentaries and fictionalized accounts so I can learn more about it.

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The Pianist. Schindler’s List is good, but a little melodramatic. Also, Come and See features the lesser known elements of the Holocaust like the village burnings on the Eastern Front, the Dirlewanger Brigade, etc.

The Greatest Story Never Told

Hitlers Log Flume is a good documentary done by the BBC

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Boy with the striped pajamas. We watched it in school and the whole class was left stunned.

they're all fictionalized accounts, user.

Holocaust class?

Oh nvm, this is a thinly veiled Any Forums thread. Sincerely wish all you fuckers would die of cancer, but what can you do

OP here. This literally isn't a thinly veiled Any Forums thread. I'm actually looking for underrated recommendations.

Regardless, all you’re going to get is Any Forumstards because they all immediately crawl out of the woodwork for Holocaust threads. You’re better off just googling this question if you’re sincerely looking for recs.

Well most of the shit is just victim porn that completely makes up stuff it just gets old. It takes a situation that you can learn from and turns it into a fucking joke that no one is allowed to talk about because they "know, they saw the movie". For instance I like Its a Beautiful Life but people treat this stuff like its real


pianist is good in the first half, but the second half where Spilleman is all alone is boring to watch

I agree actually (there’s probably less than 10 legitimately good non-documentary Holocaust movies), but that doesn’t make Any Forumstards any less obnoxious and retarded. They ruin every thread they post in.

Judgement at Nuremberg (1961)


Only seen it recently and it blew me away, what a movie.

There are sadly no 16mm videos of jews getting gassed because it never happened

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Sorry I mean Life is Beautiful


This is a good movie just like I said most of it is just sad porn crap that isn't even close to real.

Jesus, Hitler had such a soi boy body. He literally looks like he drinks soilent and never works out. Narrow shoulders, wide hips, tiny little neck you could destroy with one hand. Pathetic.

Strongly disagree, but I respect your opinion.

Europa: The Last Battle

Right now I see one individual potentially ruining this thread/freaking out like a little bitch potentially and it isn’t a Poltard.

TV mini series but pretty good.

Looks like a good boy to me. Get your eyes fixed.

I cry every time

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You could watch Shoah.

they're all fictionalized accounts

so whats the current cope? eastern front?