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Obi-Wan Kenobi finale edition

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first for obi-wan canblowme

Reva? More like Puta

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Rate Obi-Wan Kenobi with a reaction image

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Episode 6 was really great. The Obi Wan Vader duel was a great way to show that Obi Wan was still the master and that he accepts that Anakin is dead

Plot holes. Plot holes everywhere.

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>No dex
Whats the point of life bros? Its all disappointments

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Jesus fucking christ there are already 5 threads in the catalogue right now.

Are you redditors unable to read before posting or what? The point of the general thread is to REDUCE spam stupid fuck.

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what about all the plot holes

Vader really was the best part of the show. His scenes were either great or acceptable.

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you are literally less than a janny

They all were filled in Episodes 5 and 6

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>Oh my yoda, that Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan Kenobi duel was so freakin epic!!

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You watch and discuss modern star wars you aren't even a human to me.

You literally cannot hate on this episode. That’s how good it is

It's a show about space wizards.

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it's like a 5/10, i'm long done with star wars and this was the last thing they had worth caring about
still way better than picard

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Rate my basedboy.

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Fucking awful. Reva is definitely going to get her own show too. How the fuck did she even get to Tatooine? Jabim isn't anywhere fucking close and hyperspace travel can take days at the least or at least it fucking should, but apparently not anymore since Obi-Wan got there in minutes.

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It was though.

>Yes I liked the newest episode, how can you tell?

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Mommy Beru is cute...

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This is the worse show ever made. Why does it look cheap?

How the fuck did she survive with seemingly no medical attention?

And why did she want to kill Luke at all?

Ok so what is the next product to consoom?

>I’m literally crying!

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Solo did the Kessel run in 12 parsecs. Also with hyperspace it only takes a couple hours realistically


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Nigga it’s a kids show are you really going to sit and nitpick every small thing? It was a great episode overall and Vader/Kenobi duel at the end was some of the best we’ve seen Disney produce

Hyperspace can take weeks dude

Spent budget on cameos and actors

Can't wait to fap to Mon Mothma

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It had the same shit where it was slow and awkward like the other episodes
The only competent lightsaber fight they've managed is Kylo versus Rey and that's stuck in a dogshit movie and has a stupid ending

Kathleen Sama... I kneel

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Nitpicking =/= gigantic fucking plothole

>And I give you the Last man.
You aren’t a ‘Last man’… are you, Any Forums?

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>Has to rip off Rebels
>Looks 1000% worse
Filonichads can't stop winning.

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>Nigga it’s a kids show are you really going to sit and nitpick every small thing?
Yes because those plot holes immediately take me out of the show. I should be watching and enjoying it not scratching my head over such blatant fuck ups

>Favourite novels?
>Favourite comics?
>Favourite games?
Filoni \ Disney
>Favourite novels?
>Favourite comics?
>Favourite games?

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they both got there in the same duration from nearly the same place so it's fine
i'm still hung up on the fact the lars homestead has a security perimeter which could have been really useful later



>owen wanted to run and beru demanded they stay and fight
>told luke to run away but they were surprised he actually left
>hyperdrive portrayed as instant travel
>reva is alive for no reason
>obi wrong sees all the evil "darth" has done since he left him alive on mustafar, lets him live again
>has the exact same revelation of anakin being truly dead as he had in episode 3 on mustafar
>obiwan tossing rocks like a goober

Oh my GOD this episode sucked

You gotta admit hearing half hayden and half vader was pretty kino

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Shadows of the Empire was nice. That scene where Xizor does...THAT to Leia. DAMN.

Wish they would do a (based) Vader standalone with flashbacks to the Clone War. Or a liveaction Clone Wars series. Or better yet for budget management do a jedi vidya series where you play as Anakin in the Clone Wars.

that was a pretty kino finale

Wadebros, gone but never forgotten.

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You forgot vader's personal star destroyer couldn't capture a single refugee ship.

Damn that’s a lot of cope. Get a life bro

Its not that big of a deal user, Star wars has always had these dumbass plot holes ever since a new hope

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Kwab this is so bad.

Where the fuck was this episode quality the rest of the fucking show?
Did Reva fucking suddenly remember how to act? Jesus. Lightsaber shit was kino, the ending hit every note, he got his old robes back, Qui-Gon, the Vader and Sidious scene. It all finally felt Star Wars just in time for the end. Fuck man. Why was episode 4 so goddamn shit? I hope Ewan is able to dick swing a season 2 and we get Tatooine Obi shit. It feels No Way Home on the sense that it ends strong and sets up greener pastures, and to drop it now would be a sin.

I hate it so much

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Nah, it sounded like Hayden was talking over an Xbox Live mic. Idk who the sound lead was on that episode, but they need to rethink it.
Rebels did the same thing with JEJ and Matt's voices and sounded much better.

Well there is rumors we could get a Vader show. Hayden has said he's down. I think everyone would be fine with it.

What ship did she even fucking take? And if the dark side is keeping her going shouldn't she have succumbed to the hole in her gut at the end?

Obi Wan channelled dark side energy we see this when he gets flashbacks of Luke and Leia

im trying to webm it but my webm editor won't work because the torrent it stuck at 99.9% for some reason REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Sequel shit.

>ship lands behind owen and beru in the middle of their property with occupants unknown
>keep your back turned to it at all times

Somewhat Kino
Anakin was good
Owen was based putting that fucking nigger in her place

>it’s a kids show
This has never really held up as an excuse for Star Wars and it definitely doesn't apply to this particular installment. You don't get to have multiple scenes of onscreen brutal murders of children, multiple instances of onscreen torture, exposed Vader, and suicide bombings and still claim it's designed for kids.

These are yuuuuge and with the general crap that SW has been its not justifiable.

Like if this was on par with OT I'd be fine with plot holes. But this is on par with ST.

>racism funny
Fuck off dude.

That fuckin Reva bitch damages the overarching plot it's painful. She was completely pointless

>oh my god i cant believe how hard they cucked obi wan why is he so weak!!!11!!!111
>he finally uses his force powers and the thread goes berserk

I think this is where I check out of this franchise. The show wasn't horrible but I just can't bring myself to care about anything relating to Star Wars.

>esto es el fin, grande padre

Did Obi ever have sex in the prequels?

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I laughed my ass off when he punched her in her wound

Serious jump of power level there.

>inspired by Leia

>Owen was based putting that fucking nigger in her place
I wish he mate-pressed her while Beru held her wrists

He was fucking Padme. Anakin knew this. It's why he went full sigma and killed her

Nah hearing half and half on the voice and watching his eye and facial expressions turn was much better.

What a joke. I hate it. This kiddy trash sucks. Imma out.

>EU fags and Facebook boomers have the same sense of humor and interests
Many such cases

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My favorite part was at the end where obi wan lists Padme/Anakins traits in Leia

Solo has illegal modifications on the Falcon which make it faster than your average transport. In ANH, the Tatooine to Alderaan trip takes two days for the Falcon, whereas a commercial transport may take around a week. Jabiim is no where near Tatooine and we can only assume there are shitty transports left on the planet since they don’t bother showing how Reva gets anywhere. The trip would take a few days, however she is there instantly. It is literally instantaneous, that Star Destroyers should’ve been able to completely disable that civilian transport and board them like in ANH within minutes.

Legitimately good final episode but still overall mid series

>let's put a Hole on our trillion dollar piece of military equipment that is a weak point and can be taken out by some farmer boy using some voodoo magic voices in his head
>Nobody bats an eye

I am pretty sure him and Satine were fucking like rabbits.


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>Ahsoka....funny thing. This same exact thing just happened with Obiwan a few weeks ago.

kek. Funnier still is that ahsoka actually tried to kill him because that's the right thing to do.

Who cares? Like bro it’s a sci fi series meant for kids.

no one except literal autismos care