Shittiest movie I've watched in the last 5 years

Shittiest movie I've watched in the last 5 years

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Is the meme dead or


Probably because you started taking estrogen and transitioning to become a woman during the time you saw it. Your emotions were all over the place as the testosterone left your body. It's a man's movie. It's morbin time!

kys tranny

not enough quips for you?

>defending this disgrace

You did NOT just say that

>getting morbed into watching this

This movie changed my entire perspective on Cinema. I thought it wasn't an artform, how wrong I was.

I thought the morning time memes meant it was a funny movie

>You wouldn't like me when I'm Hungry
>It's Morbin time
>Is this the part of the movie where the cool guy in a hoodie beats up a bunch of dudes in a basement?

If I hadn't actually watched this shit for free on a twitch stream I would never believe that 2 of 3 of lines were genuinely 100% real.

The memes themselves were dry turds. You don't belong here if you're that gullible.

So you've only seen Morbius? It's by the numbers but not le worst movie evar!!!1

Which movie these 5 years ago was so shitty that even Morbius is better?

Everything Disney's put out in that timeframe.

the real line is 'You wouldn't like me when its morbin time'

Hey guys, just letting you know that people were only pretending that the movie is good, you unironically defending it is just sad and autistic

please take your meds so your aspergers goes away and you can understand social queues again

Poor Jared Leto was the only one who believed in this project. The problem is the character, Morbius is a cool character because vampires are cool, but vampire tropes are also overused, and the "good vampire" trope it's one of the most milked in these last decades.
>He must drink blood
>He doesn't want to hurt people
>The hunger makes him lose his control
>Has a girlfriend who is both attracted and scared by him
The best solution would have been to make him a side character in a Blade reboot.

Nah mate. Morbius is even worse than Disney shit.

It's not shitty at all it's just painfully mediocre. You must not have seen Dr strange 2