Why didn't anyone tell me this show is good?

Why didn't anyone tell me this show is good?

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Reminds me of KoTH in some ways but KoTH will always be better. Kinda want to see the movie

It's not cool to like popular things here.

Because no one has seen it.

Its good background noise.

It's boring.

Name one funny joke from it

This, occasionally there's some episodes you pay attention to that are actually funny.

Pretty much

>Normal sized Randy
He's just a kid with a weird name and it's funny to me.

I like it, it has charm/soul and is chuckle worthy
but I don't like musicals and the characters got pretty one note

Any Forums will tell you all the time

especially that one tortured user who made monthly threads about the movie for years between its announcement and final release

I don't get shows like this and king of the hill. Where are the jokes? It's just slightly offbeat but otherwise mundane occurrences. Doesn't even have the Horse Guy gimmick of Bojack to go along with normal words.

Yup aside from when the season is airing I'm usually just playing vidya with this in the bg or to fall asleep too. It's not boring, it's cozy.

When the son is playing a mascot at a baseball game, gets a chance to shout out his dad's restaurant, then forgets his dad's restaurant name on the mic in front of the whole crowd while Bob frantically screams it from the rafters

I kek'd

when they tried to stop the mechanical shark was funny

How do you not find KoTH funny?

Something about the sound of the show gives me a headache

Only characters voices I hate are Linda's and bunny hat kid. Tina is funny as fuck


When Tina's learning to drive in an empty parking lot and still manages to hit a lamppost

Because it stops being good like one or two seasons in once 99% of the show just because the faggot kids' gay little random antics.

They aren’t really mean to be just funny although there are jokes. It’s more of a portrait of an endearing family and the struggles they share and all that. Sure it can be funny but I watch because it’s comfy and I like the dynamics between characters

Parked car

Tell me you don't think Dale and Bobby are funny.

>Channel Six News, they'll finger anything with a pulse
>I'm pretty sure their motto is that they have their finger on the pulse of the news

and that whole episode with Bob doing crack with tranny prostitutes was pretty funny. the show used to be fairly raunchy.