He fucking beat them

He fucking beat them

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He can out autism anyone.

>btfos jenny simps
>btfos snyderjeets
>btfos RLM drones
No wonder Any Forums hates him

At some point you have to admire his autism. Although I do wonder if he's wasting it by reviewing capeshit and space wizard movies and replying to other youtubers

Next time I have 30,000 hours of freetime, I'll watch 2 of his videos and figure out what you're talking about

Your (You), sir.



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How would we know? No one possess enough autism to actually watch 11 hours of that shit.

>8 fucking hours
so you're going to summarize, right? RIGHT?

i hate this stupid faggot like you wouldn't believe
every time he opens his mouth i want to reach through the screen and kill him

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 8.19.18 PM.png (179x156, 37.52K)

here, i've fixed their video.

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 8.20.17 PM.png (1203x832, 886.91K)

Efap btfo RLM's Kenobi re:view
RLM liked Kenobi despite it being Star Wars flavored Picard.

And he did it in....

Wow i will watch it again

Who watches 8 of hours of this?

>those avatar images

You guys actually like this shit?

people without friends.

But I dont watch 8 hour youtube videos

>removing fringy instead of the furfag

p -> q and not p does not mean not q, retard

it wasn't a monolithic stereotype, it was an encompassed personality.
people without friends and relationships seek that elsewhere. shitposting here. 8 hour autism videos. twitch. grooming kids on discord, etc.

>dumb cartoon avatar
I have no clue who this is but I’m 100% sure they’re either fat or gay
I can see a lot of Star Wars or marvel content in their channel as well

says a lot that the furfaggot is more tolerable by an order of magnitude than fringnigger

He isn’t wasting shit this is all he can do. These types aren’t actually capable of anything else. He’s TGWTG tier, he and his dumb furry faggot friends and it’s the same people that used to watch those losers but “grew out of it”, they just switched to a more cynical version of the same retard. It’s the same midwit criticisms just worded more competently and expressed more viciously.

Remove the lipstick wearing faggot while you're at it

Mauler can't even beat his own dick, it's lost in the folds

Wow I can't believe he would beat multiple people to death. Lost all respect for him.

>intentionally watching thinks that piss you off

if they watched it all the way through that's almost 40 years in manhours

You could give any EFAP fan all that time and he’d still be a virgin by the end of it, these people are hopeless.

no xhe's cute

> no one watched it
>OP keeps posting threads stating "Oh he won! he won!!!!"
Sure, buddy.

>Fat incel
Wow, what a fix

No one, which is why it's been advertised by the same faggot over and over and over and over. Can't let his 8 hours of work be wasted

In the ugly contest?