Wow this was horrible

wow this was horrible.
Lucas really never had any talent at all did he?

Attached: thx.jpg (1060x1500, 127.42K)

It's generic, but it's not bad.

I found it pretty unique but bad.

Unique how? Was it your first dystopia?

it was unique in how stupid lucas is.
>computer man preaches capitalism and spending
>everyone dresses the same, has few possessions and no hair
is georgie boy retarded?


I rarely get mad at movies but ffs, this faggot ALSO digitally changed this movie in 2004 and that's the fucking version I watched without knowing, thank you so much George you insufferable autist idiot stupid dumb fuck

Dude, people tried to imitate him ad nauseam. This film was released in 1973. Nothing looked like this ever before.

This is the only decent move Lucas made. It even had BBC.

That's pretty true to life

>everybody is medicated.
>obedience to the state is the new religion.
>under surveillance at all time.

Its all so far fetched.

Attached: b-Police-androids-in-action-in-THX-1138-by-George-Lucas-1971.png (732x971, 309.64K)

fucking thank you.

nothing broadcast low-tier midwit more than someone saying:
>george lucas isn't actually that bad, just watch thx 1138

Attached: 1ba91b86d286b7f85103418c8064dc35---film-daft-punk2.jpg (647x785, 46.92K)

Nothing broadcasts an actual midwit more than the use of the term "midwit"

It had pretty good satire of consumerism
>guy gets off work
>buys a red plastic cube
>tosses it in the trash immediately after getting home
>repeats this every day

you sure told me, and you don't sound like a coping tastelet at all

capitalism is the vehicle that leads to communism, absolute indulgence will springboard civilization into decadence and infantilism.

I haven't even seen the film, just tired of retards using that word to pretend they're 6 gorillon iq geniuses

lmao, you are a faggot.

