Streetshitters are invading Austria

Seems like the message that there are free gibs here for everyone has finally made its way to India.

>A total of 41,909 men and women applied for asylum in Austria from January through July - Ukrainians who have a special status are not included in this figure. In the same period last year there were just over 14,000 applications.

>Indians were the nation with the highest number of applications this month, even though not a single citizen of this country was granted asylum in the first half of the year. There were 2,113 applications from Indian citizens in July.

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my brother in paris lives next to an indian district and they're not the worst immigrants, mostly polite but can act weird

asylum from what

I'm sure they won't be worse than Afghans and the like.

It's just amusing that now a functional state without a civil war or dictatorship (and any connection to Austria for that matter) tops the asylum seeker ranking here.

Literally the best brown immigrants
>obliterate arabs and latinos academically and professionally
>commit far less crime than both
>respectful and meek
>supportive of the ethnic majority
you couldn't wish for better nonwhite migrants besides east Asians

It doesn't matter. Once they're here they stay here no matter what's the result of their asylum process. A country like Austria has no means to force India to take these people back. The EU doesn't give a fuck of course.

pretty strange I admit
but since they are more than a billion, they got to spread everywhere. And the poverty in india is hardcore

>applied for asylum
There's a war in India ?
Also why don't they apply for asylum in Monaco ?

You're talking about Indians in the Anglosphere who are a highly selected group, the average slumdog has no chance to acquire a visa. I don't believe that Indians who immigrate through irregular channels will compare in terms of academic achievement.

what's stopping me from go to austria rn
and start working as a dishwasher ?

>supportive of the ethnic majority
opposite, they're servile at low positions but very nepotistic when they get positions of power also gain an upturned nose.

My nigga you got REDEEMED

You may not be able to get a visa so you'd have to pay quite a sum to some trafficker to get you in.

To be fair, still better than having a locust swarm running wild destroying everything they come into contact with.

Lack of white women

based hope they replace the local population

Understandable reason, they should be allowed in for that

surprisingly reasonable thread

Indians alone won't suffice, but all the browns combined are about to do that, yes. This year the number of asylum seekers is about as high as the number of births here (and many of those are browns, too ofc)

Put them in camps and forget to feed them.

I won’t settle for anything less than Whites and East Asians sorry Ahmed. They build disgusting shanty towns and smell like curry.