George Lucas knew EXACTLY what he was doing

He knew that the sequels would show everyone how brilliant the prequels were.
He knew that the story was finished and that any further development of Star Wars would only make it worse.
He knew that by selling to Disney, he was both cementing himself as the finest, and last, Western director to have ever lived, while simultaneously not having to publicly admit the fact that 7-9 were doomed to failure because the story had been completely told.

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>He knew that the sequels would show everyone how brilliant the prequels were.
But they didn't. The prequels are mediocre and sterile. The sequels being bad does not mean the prequels must necessarily be good. You only think that because you are a child or an adult with the mentality of a child

>He knew that by selling to Disney, he was both cementing himself as the finest, and last, Western director to have ever lived
using a couple shots from The Good the Bad and the Ugly doesn't make a movie a western.

>being this fucking stupid

I doubt it, he seems pretty hurt when he talks about Star Wars now.

>He knew that the sequels would show everyone how brilliant the prequels were.
If that was his intention he failed miserably. 7 loud autists on a Lithuanian goat milking forum is not "everyone". Most people still hate the prequels

none of the star wars movies are good

no one reevaluated the prequels after the sequels. the people who liked the prequels before the sequels were released are the same people who liked the prequels when they were released.

i wondered if people would still be retarded after watching that rlm critique, and if it would just go over their peabrained numbskulls. thanks for answering my question. (the answer was yes )

>the sequels would show everyone how brilliant the prequels were.

They did not. People are talking positively about the prequels because they haven't watched those movies in a long time and are just watching clips or reading online forums. Once Obi wan is properly ruined and the Disney machine moves on to another portion of starwars, the positivity will fade.

It's the same reason people now think Lucas would have saved them from "the force is female" and taking Luke out of the key role when he had the fucking idea first.

are you capable of understanding most people don't watch youtube reviews? and even less people watch youtube reviews of youtube reviews?

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He didn't though. He gave KK his treatments in hope she would adapt what he wrote but knew he couldn't take the stress of making another trilogy and wanted to be there for his daughter.

Sadly, she decided not to do that, and the rest is history.

Why did he call Disney white slavers after he sold Star Wars to them?

reminder: george lucas sold star wars to disney because he thought the world was going to end in 2012.

He sold Star Wars to Disney cause he hates every other studio that much. He felt, and you can disagree, that Disney at least had a strong artistic vision as a studio. They understood branding and maintaining of characters. Darth Vader needs to be the same, like Mickey is always the same. Lucas knew these characters will out live him. The studios he built....? Well, he wanted those to last too. He signed very strong deals for Skywalker sound and Lucasfilm in general to keep those production companies open.

Who else could Lucas have sold it to? Warner Bros. ? Fox? Paramount? Universal? Sony? MGM? He dealt with all of them, like seriously, he made at least one movie for each of the major studios and had bad experiences each time. Hell MGM barely exists.
Disney was the only studio he hadn't been burned by, and he's such a fanboy to mickey himself. The mouse burned him too, shouldn't be surprised.

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... user you're like 20. disney has been criticized as a soulless cash-grabbing sanitizing machine for as long as its existed.

NEver move a camera if you don't have too.

Prequelchads we won

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Ah yes, the plethora of constant star wars products that george lucas churned out was done from the bottom of his heart.


what a nice non-sequitur

So we're just going to ignore the fact that George Lucas has also been a soulless cash-grabbing machine? Yea, he's nothing like Disney.....

He's slowing down for the CAUTION: WET sign that is sitting just out of frame

he's composing himself

ah, it was whataboutism, didn't catch that.

no one alive has ever thought disney has "strong artistic vision."

>They understood branding and maintaining of characters.

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