Hey Walt, maybe you should, uh, actually PAY for your healthcare instead of relying on Gretchen and Elliot. Heheh...

>Hey Walt, maybe you should, uh, actually PAY for your healthcare instead of relying on Gretchen and Elliot. Heheh, just busting your balls Walt, no need to get your panties in a twist. GOMIE, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY, STOP MAKING GOODS SO EXPENSIVE. Hehehhe just messin with you beaner, just a joke.

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sex gifs

What did Isaac mean by this?

I am asac shredder

Based take.
Joining the ranks of Danny Devito in the short list of celebs with good political takes.

Makes sense

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I don't get it, is he a lefty retard or a righty chud? Tell me how I'm supposed to be outraged by this.

>prices the direct result of foreign interventionism and purposely targeted regulation of people who hate capitalism

>capitalism is le bad
Name a bigger right wing dog whistle

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Wtf how do I become a tranny doctor ?A few transitions and I would be set for life.

>if I spend 150k on cosmetic surgery and artificial hormones I'll finally be my authentic self

If you have a cutting implement you're all set

Show of hands: who thinks this was a statement in support of capitalism?

He has never tweeted anything transphobic so you should probably start hating him for that.

He's right. Capitalism is shit and the root of 99% of the world's cancers economically, socially and artistically. Simping for capitalism because you think it'll "own the libs/trigger the left" is equivalent to cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Obviously not.

jews came up with both capitalism and communism
makes you think

>remove foreskin
>thoughts like these pop up randomly in the american brain
the jews really did a number on you mutts desu

Capitalism is a big reason while male infant circumcision is still a thing and relatively unchallenged.

very based I love capitalism thank you for making americans into slaves

Okay. Name a better system them. Protip: it ain't communism.

makes sense
paddies are basically just wild jews (much higher Neanderthal admixture than is healthy)

your frustration is with corporatism.

ie state "capitalism"
ie socialism

Coporatism isn't even what most people think it is, but I'm the last person to rail against the evolution of language. It's just telling that most people using the term to cape for the failures of another system are doing so in bad faith.
Why did this even become the goto deflection on the internet as if corporations are driven by anything other than capital and the means to achieve as much as possible?