
>kino first movie
followed by
>many dogshit sequels

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Jurassic Park


>dogshit sequels
Uhm excuse me?

Attached: milla resident.webm (1024x422, 2.9M)

The Terminator

t2 >>>>>>> t1

The Matrix

that guy deserves to be in the Based Black Men Hall of Fame.

That’s most film series

not by much the first terminator is an entirely different film and arguably more original

Highlander 10/10 kino
Sequels - all shit with no redeeming qualities


Attached: laser2.webm (598x332, 2.63M)

god damn do i hate this style of shooting action. fucking hate it.


only if you're blinded by nostalgia

it's when the movie sucks at action choreography, so they need to camouflage it with 1000 micro edits

Why didn't he just take a few steps back?

First Terminator is sci-fi horror
Second Terminator is sci-fi action
And everyone agrees Judgement Day is better, come on.

Children of the Corn
Like bro, why?

She has extremely pointy-out nipples.

Stunning, mouthwatering, exquisite.

Ninja Turtles

>And everyone agrees Judgement Day is better, come on.
No. Like with Alien/ Aliens, the sheen has come from the more infantile sequel. T1 surpasses T2 in terms of more nightmarish imagery and bleaker tone.

thriller =/= horror
arnold is my new robodad buddy comedy adventure with guns =/= good action
The Terminator has better shot composition and lighting, action scenes with actual tension, a more compelling premise, a more satisfying/complete ending, better soundtrack, and no whiny child actor

Attached: intro-import.jpg (700x300, 78.77K)

Whenever I think of T1 I can't help but think of the terrible stop-motion skeleton and the shitty vinyl mask they made of Ahnuld
It's so cheap it's painful. And you can do sci-fi and horror on a budget, but you have to know what your limits are. That stuff was just bad.
Good principal actors though, I'll give it that. And the romance feels genuine.

The Fellowship of the Ring. It hurts but it’s true

this scene alone mogs the shit out of the entirety of T2

Shut up nerd. Two Towers is kino.

Why do they all run towards her instead of shotting her from afar?


Iron man

Red Queen called him the n-word which froze him in place