Wheel of Time

Are you excited for season two?

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I legit once knew a nigger named Lemonjello



Tried to read the first book and it was boring as hell


I'd play maidens kiss with her.

I wonder how these people feel being cast just because you are a "minority". Be kinda embarrassing.

>sheit gettin dat bag yo

Not even going to bother hatewatching S2

I met one named Jellybean

>it got a season 2
People actually watched this?

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S2 was confirmed before S1 finished production. People really loved it.

The only thing I'm looking forward to is the return of /wot/, you autists are some of the finest bunch on this board and I can't wait to shitpost with you all again. The show itself will be a gigantic fucking dumpster fire though and not WoT in the slightest.

The vast majority of them are pic rel and don't even understand what's going on and the rare ones who are smart enough to realize it are perfectly fine with it because it brings them personal gain.

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99.9% of them have no inner monologue. They don't understand or exist in a plane of reality where grander ideas such as a social system bending over for them exists. They simply wanted something and it appeared in their laps.

>People really loved it.
Kek, ep 8 torpedoed all goodwill even the most vehement shills had for this shitfest.

no I didn't even finish season 1 and I'm a big fan of the books.

Did you hear what they did to the ending?

I enjoy the shitposting but... I can't support the series any more and by viewing it, contribute to them making S3 of this shit. Aviendha was the last straw

>"It's great casting, she's Irish!"
They're genuinely pushing that angle. Maybe if they feel that way they can cast the African actress, Charlize Theron as Tuon.

That's understandable, I at least made sure to pirate it instead of getting prime.
>They're genuinely pushing that angle
Of course they are, but they don't actually believe it themselves. They know it's 100% bullshit and not what Jordan meant, but they don't give a shit about what Jordan would've wanted.

no, I stopped reading the threads too until I saw this one. How bad was it? I stopped on episode 6 I think

did you go to a national guard school in indiana?

I'm just hoping this shit show bumps up the book sales and release of the books in my country.
Fuck everyone involved in this show, though.

what country are you in that they haven't been released there? I'm just glad I bought the books before the show camr out because I have no doubt they'll make new shitty book covers from show promo stuff

Even Sanderson didn't try to defend it. He even distanced himself from it saying they didn't consult with him for that ep.

>rip off a scene from the final book but give it the most cringe feminist take possible
>"Don't touch anything in the blight... but feel free to sleep on the ground, resting against a diseased tree"
>give all of Rand's achievements to the Two Rivers girls
>The horn is just randomly kept in the castle
>Padan Fain made his way through the ways... an episode after establishing it requires use of the One Power to open the gateways
>EPIC CAVALRY CHARGE... followed by everyone getting off their horse and picking up a bow and arrow to take position in the worlds worst designed defensive fort
>"WE ARE THE MIGHTY SEANCHAN, SEE HOW POWERFUL WE ARE BY... killing a little girl on the beach in the most comically extreme way imaginable with no one to witness it"

The pisser is that this will be the attempt for this generation. Even if it flops now, they've put so much money into it that no one will even consider a better adaptation for decades. At least the Kingkiller Chronicles is in development hell

>Lin Manuel Miranda is a fan of the books
>wants to make an adaptation that keeps all the musical aspects

could possible be accepta...

>It'll be a prequel about K'vothe's parents
Who the fuck asked for that?

>egwene uses magic to bring nynaeve back to life
>horn of valere was hidden under chair in shienar
>perrin pussies out and does literally nothing
>girls take all of rand's cool moments and take out entire trolloc army by themselves
>moiraine is stilled by ishamael
>loial stabbed with mat's dagger
>mat is evil
>rand refuses the dark side because it's not what egwene would want
>rand fakes his death and goes into the aiel waste to skip book 2 and 3
>"this is just the beginning" and cut
>seanchan nuked a child for some reason

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I’m fatigued. I’ll just go watch anime or old movies where I don’t have to look at niggers and mutts constantly