Rings of Power

First look at the Orcs
All practical

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>Have blue eyes and Paler skin

Actually doesn't look bad
looks better than the CGI ones in the Hobbit movies at least

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Reminds me of Coppola's Dracula.

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Why is he wearing a dried melon

have sexxxx incellll

The only thing so far that hasn't looked shit.

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don't care not watching this and also i'm boycotting israel

>Orcs are all white now
>hobbits and elves are all black now

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That helmet is not practical at all.

I'm a far right individual, and i know why they made them pale, but can appreciate the work of the costume builder. It looks good.
But i'm not going to watch this fanfic shit anyway.
Make them look more sick this way, like fucked up mutts or something.

Let me guess an intelligent misunderstood orc

Where are the black orcs?

Some comments from the IGN article, interview with the guy in charge of prosthetics and an exec
>We spent a lot of time talking about what it would mean to be an Orc in the Second Age,” said Weber. “It felt appropriate that their look would be different, part of a wilder, more raw, Second Age, Middle-earth, closer to where the First Age ends. As we meet them, they're not yet organized into armies, they're a little more scattered and they've been scavenging. So it's just a different time in their total story
>“They [the Orcs] kind of disappeared,” notes Wilson. “Everyone thought, ‘Yay, they've been wiped off Middle-earth.' But really they regressed into the dark in small little groups, and hid away, and lived in tunnels and sort of under Middle-earth, because the only way they could hide, because of course they were hunted for so long. So this is really them coming back out as they reform under a so-called new leader who's going to lead them forward.”

Yes, because in the past orcs represented niggers, but today they stand for Russians.

>“There's some female Orcs that I truly loved,” she said. “But there's one Orc in particular, who's very, very tall and strong, who has a particularly enjoyable fight with one of our Elven characters that I suspect will be, or hope will be a favorite among fans.”
>“Time has changed a lot,” says Wilson. “You go back 20 years and we used a basically foam latex, which is like a porous-y kind of rubbery, spongy material with a smooth or whatever textured surface. It was great at the time. But it was actually just at the end of doing Lord of the Rings that we did the very first encapsulated silicon for Gimli. At the end of that, he got to start wearing silicons, but now it's common. So all the ears, noses, Orcs pieces are all made in encapsulated silicon, which is basically two layers of silicon with a moveable piece of silicon in the middle, so when it's applied to the actor's face, they can move and it works. It also gets the same temperature as their skin. And you can see the translucency and then you gently paint on the top of it, a bit like doing makeup on a human rather than having to seal and heavily paint like we did in the old days.”

anons are going to shit on me regardless but it actually makes sense of the orcs are ligher-skinned because this does take place relatively shortly after the orcs have been created, and remember that the orcs are just twisted/corrupted versions of elves, so maybe that explains why they would resemble elves more closely than the orcs from the third age, who have had several centuries to evolve and inbreed

anons are going to shit on me regardless but it actually makes sense of the orcs are ligher-skinned because it's made by jews who hate white people.

Uhh there are black elves

>black elves
one, literally just the one

>doesn't know that Gundabad and Morgoth orcs in general are paler
Lol polfags don't read literature, I know.

you mean the one half-black elf whose mom is from harad or some shit?

No there aren't Bezos. No matter what the hell you say.

If white people see a vicious barbaric oppressive animalistic orc and immediately think "this represents me!" then that says a lot about you.

Looks very good desu desu

still not watching, faggot

They look alright but Jackson got so many unique orks down in the LotR I don't think anything will compete.

hello shill niggers

But they look like they represent mutts and blacks

I like this. They look more like fallen elves now.

>Rotten teeth

Do orcs love sugar, or something?

If white people see a vicious barbaric oppressive animalistic antagonist and reasonably think "this represents me more than all the other characters" then that says a lot about society

Their restaurant provide them free sugar satchets

I think RoP will be a leftist desecration of LOTR, but can't complain, they look fine.


>They look more like fallen elves now.
Yep, that's what they are going for. They will have elves being tortured and transformed into orcs as part of the prologue

>Orcs are the only thing they manage to get right
Honestly, not surprising.

>explaining the lore to you is "shilling"
A lot of these screenshots are confirmed to be flashbacks from the wars with Morgoth, because all of the main elf characters are involved in those two some capacity save like what, Elrond? They are paler orcs, those exist, they are usually from Gundabad, you stupid fucking retard. I'm assuming the show is bringing us to Gundabad during Galadriel's quest.

I kind of dig them? I know we need to hate everything about the show on principle but they're neat designs that were executed well through makeup and prosthetics.

*to some capacity