Anybody else cautiously enjoying this show so far?

Anybody else cautiously enjoying this show so far?

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I keep forgetting the name of the show entirely. but yea its okay. little(very) worried the final went full on LOST.

It has writers from Lost involved, i'm hoping they've took on board criticism from Lost and this will be better

Very much so user

lost 2.0
its shit
they wont explain anything while opening more mysteries
if you enjoy this you are literally retarded.

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They already discarded the idea they're all *acchtually* dead in one of the episodes.

yeah the first season ended in shit. more questions, zero answers.

the final episode dumped a ton of new mysteries locke finding the hatch style.

yeah the lighthouse is the new hatch. screencap this

answers are boring but questions aren't

It started fine but progressively got worse and worse. Remember the episode where they introduced a new character in the beginning, immediately killed him off, and then spent the rest of the runtime showing the main cast reacting to it? Not going to watch season 2.

>Mysterious location is the new Mysterious location. screencap this
Yeah bro so insightful. Everyone's gonna remember your post and repost it.

>then spent the rest of the runtime showing the main cast reacting to it
No they didn't

Ugly women everywhere, bechdel test, abysmal pacing, shit writing.

Yeah I'm loving this woke garbage.

>Ugly women everywhere
It's literally full of hot big titted women.

Fucking loved this show, hope they don’t ruin the eventual explanation.

There's already a long thread here with lots of cleavage pics

no. dropped it due to how absolute retarded everyone was in it.

How is it woke?

I can fix her

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Ah yes, the show where nothing happens at all and every character is a complete imbecile. Hard pass.

Lots of stuff happened

lots of minor shit that has no real importance on things

lots of silly plotholes too, but do think the show is aight for what it is I guess