This is an influential Russian neon nazi. Would he pass as white in your country?

This is an influential Russian neon nazi. Would he pass as white in your country?

Attached: CRmHbdxU8AIKwGy.jpg (1208x960, 76.71K)

He would definitely pass as a local in my cunt.
This is the guy who mugs you if you don't know which streets to avoid past 11pm

When will people understand that skin color depends on the weather and lighting? Sometimes i look whiter than some irish ginger and sometimes my skin looks brown. Its not that difficult

He actually kind of looks like he'd be a local in my cunt unironically

Why are neonazis always some brown mutts? what's the appeal?

Not what this is about, mehmet
He would pass for the average russian.

99% of neonazis here are fsb agents under cover. They have been doing this for 50 years now. That's why a lot of people think that Navalny is a glowie

Then lets go by skull shape, where you dont qualify as white, just like the russian

self hate, simple as

The guy looks like a churka independent of skin color


He looks armenian

He could pass as a turk here

Looks kinda like a Russian dude I used to know. Obviously yes.

What’s a neon nazi

Attached: 5A125146-1935-4BAA-B382-D12E25B7E673.gif (498x216, 125.61K)

>Russian neon nazi
Now show me fluorescent Ukrainian fascist

I hope everyone he meets says, "Wait, you're white?". Must be a small death every time he hears that.

Is he the refugee or the identitarian?

>neon nazi

Attached: hitler rave.gif (250x300, 709.56K)

lmao, yes but as a Turk or even nafri, lmao do eastoids really consider this a white??

Attached: unknown (57).png (1070x1176, 2.98M)

Not solid