I'm planning to go to India. What should I prepare?

I'm planning to go to India. What should I prepare?

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a delicious plate of momos to offer whenever someone calls you chinki

You're Japanese, so you're probably feminine. Well, in that case, prepare lube for a less painful rape session. Have fun in India!


I'm actually male but okay I'll bring some pills so as not to expect by raping thank you.

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humidity, drink water
be cheap mentally

>I'm actually male
Who cares?

A toilet

It's monsoon here travel agencies don't do India travels during monsoon as the constant rain/humidity+floods are dangerous for Gaijin, stop baiting David kun from US military base.

I thought you guys are going through a heatwave or is that only for a few states?

If you need an Indian Wang Jingwei, I'm your guy

that was 2 months ago

Also wear a fake beard.

Indian weather don't works like that heat waves end after June with monsoon when it constant rains & mosquito, airborne diseases become common many whole states get flooded temperatures stay around 25°C

kek squid males are in danger

Went to india once during business trip, people would treat you like king and offer these cheap snacks wherever you went. Strange but friendly place.

>offer these cheap snacks wherever you went
That's common thirdie courtesy we feed guests here

Yes it's considered norm to treat guests with food specially in trains/planes or transportation, my family once invited some Kazakh guys in train for joint lunch too

Feeding guests is the norm in non-Nordic countries user

Friendly people, good food, nice people.

Go in 2030 though when it's a superpower

Are you trying to get him lynched, turks don't liked here thanks constant paki we wuzing

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