This made boomers seethe and shit their pants

>this made boomers seethe and shit their pants

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is the force a religion?
Palpatine specifically talks about it as it is one. Is this another attempt by Jews to create another made up belief system? (similar to Scientology, Mormons, Athiesm).

>no mention of Judaism or Islam
what did Seth mean by this?

no one cares about those religions.

The force isn't a religion. Jedi is a religion. Sith is a cult.

Thanks to the Nazis modern medicine advanced decades.

have sex incel.

Wait, I thought space faring did.
The whole war advanced humanity technologically.

Okay. Where's your mom at?

thanks to the nazis trannyism also became mainstream

Good thing the Nazis weren’t christcucks

Actually, they suppressed literature about them.

>where’s ____at?
tell me you are an illiterate spic without telling me you are an illiterate spic. Jesus christ Juan, you don’t use double-negatives in a sentence

Well, Hitler did claim to be Catholic.

>being this much of a nerd about grammar
Okay, which one of us needs to get laid again?

This ignores the fact that Christianity is literally the only reason we had the Enlightenment. Christian monks imported and preserved scientific knowledge from Muslim nations which triggered the scientific revolution.

Without Christianity, Islam doesn't exist and Judiasm remains some irrelevant niche religion on par with Zoroastrianism.

>this made boomers seethe and shit their pants
Many important texts were only saved due to their inclusion in Christian churches and monasteries.
Benvenuto Cellini, the renaissance craftsman and artist, instance, was using a manual of recipes that is now known to have gone back to at Ptolemaic Egypt, since sections of the same recipes have been found on parchment in archaeological digs in Egypt.
He only had the information because it was in a book kept in one of the Christian Monasteries.

Where's your virginity at?

obligatory pic related

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So they could horde it all for themselves.

You're conflating atheism with liberal politics, which is a fallacy. You are definitely part of the sub 100 iq population.

Seth believes white people are the master race. Christianity didn't spread that far outside the old Roman Empire until the age of colonialism. The fact that white Europeans were more advanced than the rest of the world despite a thousand year handicap implies that they are unambiguously, inherently superior.

Both look based.

>it's another burgers larp as whites episode

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you mean
>this made smug gen-X'ers pleasure themselves with bananas and worship their spaghetti god

why isn’t india or china more advanced then

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>muh logical phallacy
back to plebbit, nigger

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>you’re conflating the fundamental philosophical assumption with its consequences, moron!

More like millennials found it funny, and now zoomers are seething about it
I’m english

India is a tech hub and China is an emerging superpower. The tech will follow.

Except according to this logic they should already be 2000 years ahead

The Roman Empire and Republic were doing just fine at preserving texts. There's nothing unique about Christian monks scholarly abilities compared to Muslims, Hindis, Buddhists, etc..

Hello my black Muslim European and English brothers.

i’m not a gaytheist or muslim, I don’t think zoomers are inherently bad and I prefer them to millennials

>God doesn---...ACK!

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Colonialism. At least more the case for India. China had to go through some shit. They had to unify during the romance of the three kingdoms (four technically) and ve under 400 years of Mongolian occupation in the north. They had to deal with the greatest pirate who ever loved and the raping of Nanking.

so why didn’t they have machine guns by the time the british empire arrived

>they literally can't stop committing suicide
glad I never turned gaytheist

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