What are our thoughts about Humphrey Bogart?

What are our thoughts about Humphrey Bogart?

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Humphrey Bogart, more like Bumphrey Hogart, amirite?

I feel like he wouldn’t be helpful as part of a group in an escape room

Ugly droopy motherfucker that spoke like he was constantly drunk. For some reason Hollywood sold this creep as the sex symbol of the 40s

Why not

>movie set in escape room
>bogart spends the entire film sitting on a chair in a corner of the room smoking cigarettes and drinking brandy
>all the other characters constantly fight, the couples and friends airing out their dirty laundry in front of each other, they all slowly begin to lose their minds
>in the last few minutes of the film, bogart runs out of cigarettes and brandy
>cigarette in mouth, he finishes the final bit of his brandy, holds the empty glass up to the light staring through it and lets out a sigh
>bogart stands up, puts his cigarette butt out on the table next to him, walks over to the escape room door and knocks three times
>everyone stares up shocked as it the door is unlocked from the outside
>bogart opens the door
>suit top over his left arm, bogart uses his right hand to place his fedora on his head and walks out
>camera switches to all the other people stunned

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What the hell kind of name is Humphrey?

The man was a kino machine. Was he ever in a single bad movie?

>this made boomers shit and piss themselves

Treasure of the Sierra Madre - GOAT
Casablanca - Great
Maltese Falcon - Meh

>Maltese Falcon - Meh
>Well, Wilmer, I'm sorry indeed to lose you. But I want you to know I couldn't be fonder of you if you were my own son. But, well, if you lose a son, it's possible to get another. There's only one Maltese Falcon.
Maltese Falcon is great dialogue after great dialogue after great dialogue, to say nothing about the fact that Sam Spade was an incredibly influential character.

I didn't care for it.

One for grownups, you zoomer jew.

You're gay

I don't see what that has to do with anything.



Fun fact he wore his personal ring in movies all the time. I can't think of another actor that wore a personal item in multiple roles.

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Maltese Falcon has GOAT cast and GOAT script but the direction is a bit flat

>Key Largo isn't a light hearted romantic comedy but a tense crime drama

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>Ugly droopy motherfucker that spoke like he was constantly drunk
That was because of his upper lip, which was injured by flying shrapnel in combat during WW1 and never healed properly

Fred MacMurray wore his wedding band no matter what the role was.

Does anyone know the origin of that bent arm thing he does when he's trying to me menacing? Was that some shit they used to teach in acting classes or some shit?

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