Buh- BAWLS?!?

>buh- BAWLS?!?
>I axed you what's somethin women suck on and you said ... BAWLS?!?

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I love steveposting

Steve Harvey has completely dumbed down a once respected show for the lowest common denominator.

Will anyone ever be able to replace him? This seems to be the biggest issue for long running game shows, getting someone with enough charisma and wit to fill the shoes of previous hosts.

>a once respected show

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Yes with Richard Dawson it very much was.

>a once respected show

Yes with Richard Dawson it very much was.

Why its always a white family vs a black family?


>they did… HHHhhwhat to the HHHhhhwho?

And he always gives the black family more time to think of answers by making banter with them.

Game shows are watched by retired boomers (white) and unemployed people on welfare (black). Both sides need representation.

>imagine steve harvey at the nuremberg trials
>"you did h'what at these camps?!!?!"

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How has there not been an all black daytime soap opera?

Spades of Our Lives

>what is somethin you can say about the jewish family livin in yo attict but you cayn't say about yo wife


hell yea dude