Post wasted concepts

Post wasted concepts

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fuck off this movie was perfect

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It was literal shit

>In the future time is our currency built into our body, very advanced stuff
>We still use Glocks

this movie doesn't make any sense from an economic point of view (at least actual economics, not the memeshit pushed by central bankers).
But it's cool.


Still bugs me a little that they never even attempted to delve into the origins surrounding how humanity ended up with life clocks in their arms that their born with or how the clocks work out why nobody has tried to get theirs out or literally anything concerning the biggest plot point of the whole story. They just tell you this is how shit is and then never elaborate at all and instead just start right off down their sci fi Robin Hood plot and never look back.

And that's a good thing!

Those are boring things to explore though since its suppose to just be a metaphor for how money works in the real world.

yep, in that context I didn't mind it at all and I'm a bitch for nitpicking plotholes

It’s okay. Now that I think about it those weren’t really nitpicks at all and I was wrong to call them boring. All that stuff would’ve made the movie way better.

The mom was hotter.
That is all.

Amanda's legs looked so good in it

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The girl was hot.

It was OK

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>plot holes
Kek. Words mean things, tardo.

How come he never fucked his mother? Shit made no sense. Stupid movie.

Agreed, it had a good premise but fails to use it.

Eeeh, it was okay. It had lots of good elements but I'll never see it agian.

what else

She is supremely hot.

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oh god i can't stop farting