This man is detestable

This man is detestable.

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prequels are shit faggot deal with it

The prequels will never be good, I'm sorry.

It's his job... he needs to eat and, hopefully, the big corps are gonna notice him! (eventually... for sure!)

are they on Kathleen Kennedy's payroll or are they just this stupid?

I don't understand what he's trying to say here

Hold on is he shitting on Disney or the prequels? Or both?

That the CGI for the prequels looks really bad, and the live action sets and quicker editing made the same time period look better. This was the first time ever clone troopers were in a full actual costume and not just CG or a guy in a green suit and it took until now to see that.

the absolute state of reddit letter media consoomers. kys

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he's right though, that little trailer they edited, re-scored and showed at the start of Obi wan makes the prequels look awesome and exciting... and then you remember actually watching them and realize how good the editing is.

he's not talking about the editing of the show, he was exclusively talking about the "catch up" trailer they show before the first episode of obi wan... reading comprehension is really failing you people, how embarassing.

The prequels are horribly paced and the edited recap of the prequels makes them look good because it's all the good moments tightly edited together, making them seem way more exciting than they actually were.

They will always viscerally dislike the prequels more than disneyshit because no matter how greedy and incompetent Disney is with Star Wars they weren't the ones that tore it down from being culturally important like the prequels and special editions did

I think OP is trying to imply that the prequels are actually good and don't need slick dishonest editing to make them good. Therefore Rich is stupid to make such a statement.

>caring about Star Wars
lmao how old are you?

The hilarious part is it shows how editing can make things better...but in the main Obi-Wan show the editing is terrible. Half of the hate isnt because of the performances etc, its the editing making the show look worse.

Cosmonaut Variety Hour BTFO'd the prequels way harder than Plinkett ever did. He criticizes it from a more monkey brained audience member perspective instead of Mike being autistic about his boomer franchise.

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Id take a shit on your face and then make you swallow it, comprehend that you gargantuan faggot.

What kind of retard thinks the prequels were good? Pretty sure even Lucas regrets them.

>Daisy Ridley’s performance was only bad because those damn trolls harassed her!
Rich is the biggest faggot of all three

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>say the prequels are literally the worst thing in the history of history
>instead of admitting that they weren't as bad as this new crap you pretend that the new crap is better
What a horrible way to live... if you can call it that.

Trekkies are always wrong about Star Wars. It's ironic considering in their shows people shoot each other with TV remotes.

he literally just copy-pasted Plinkett arguments for super mid-wits

The prequels were good, pretty sure they were all successful and liked if you weren’t a fat manchild screaming about how you were bored by politics and hate CGI…

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I like RLM and I hope Disney have to keep paying them influencer fees to pretend to like their latest bungled cash-grab.

Yes but he's right.

Seethe harder, prequelfag.

Any Forums liking the prequels is why I just can't respect this board. It's so obvious you people are only driven by contrarianism. Same as how you defend BvS and JUSTice League.

i agree, i appreciate it if the creator fucks up instead of a committee of fucking assholes

Only manchildren hate on Star Wars, user.

They were ridiculed and liked by some kids but not as much as LOTR and Harry Potter. I remember reading about that before AotC (didn't see TPM until much later). And they are badly directed and written movies but if someone for some reason is still into Star Wars they can "negotiate" their way into accepting them or any other sub-par product.

>saying the prequels aren't as bad as Disney Wars means you liked the prequels
This is why I can't respect you people

Who are the boomers on the right?

I haven't watched the Obi wan show because I'm not completely retarded so that quote didn't make any sense to me

Rogue One is the best SW movie since Empire. There I said it.

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This is impossible since ROTJ is the nucleus of Star Wars around which everything else revolves.

They're both bad, but at least Disney wars won't put me to sleep. Disney knows it's a dumb popcorn series for kids, Lucas wanted it to be a shakespearean political drama for boomers.

Prequels are better than the OT

Have a pic from Geonosis

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If only the entirety of Return was just Luke and Vader. Sadly, there is also Jabba's shitshow and the forest moon of Faggots in that movie.

That legitimately looks ugly. My brain is trying to parse out what's real and what isn't

>And they are badly directed and written movies
Says who ?

Yes but Luke and Vader is ultimately what gives Star Wars meaning and keeps it from just being a high-polished but empty adventure for children.

>They're both bad
Not according to those chucklefucks

I understand what youre saying and agree with it, but you cant just take 1 part of the movie and use just that when comparing it to others.

Depends on the gravity of that part of the movie.

Mike literally calls every new Star Wars thing bad except maybe Mandalorian season 1. Cosmonaut Variety Hour also shits in the new movies and shows. He even says he hates star wars now because of what Disney did to it.

Hating the prequels doesn't mean the Disney movies are good, they're just marginally better and paced well enough to keep you entertained at the most baseline level.

Send your apology to:
Skywalker Ranch
5858 Lucas Valley Rd

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>My brain is trying to parse out what's real and what isn't
That’s a mistake. George purposefully blended cgi and miniatures and sets so you don’t really know which is which

Pic related is a miniature. Most Geonosis environs are similarly real + enhanced

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>Line between the good and bad SW movies

He's literally not wrong.

It's literally his job to kiss Disney's ass.

Rich is perpetually stuck in 2006/2007. That's why he's the embodiment of reddit atheism and is convinced that the prequels are le worst thing EVER.

The prequels are not good movies, but at the very least they're the product of one man's vision. Which is more than you can say about the trash Disney churns out.

Here’s the real list
2>3>1>>6 -power gap- r1>sequels