Do you know that Pakistan has the fourth strongest airforce in the world after US, Russia and China?

Do you know that Pakistan has the fourth strongest airforce in the world after US, Russia and China?

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Buy number?
If I told 10000 paper airplanes I'd have a stronger air force than pakistan

>>strongest airforce


Russia is probably not even top 5. UK, France, South Korea, Japan, Israel, Pakistan are all probably stronger. F-16, F-15, and especially F-35 blow whatever the Russians have out of the water.

>Buy number?

No, by quality of equipment and skills&experience&courage of the pilots

Pakistan knew that due to being ways smaller than its biggest enemy it can't have similar land forces, because of relatively narrow sea access it can't have a very powerful navy so it had to compensate its disadvantages by total domination in air.

i kneel

forgot Italy, they mog Russia too.

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Letting Pakis have nukes was the world's greatest mistake.

>waste all your money to create an army to compete with your enemy
>they still win every war despite not giving a shit about military spending
Pakistan would stop existing the moment we get competent leadership which properly finances the military

Pakis have F-16, JF-17, and J-10, those are all modern and capable aircraft.

paradoxically it is the only way to guarantee peace in South Asia. If Pakistan didn't have nukes, it would be forced to destroy Indian nuclear arsenal before India can use it which would spark a huge war in the region

>Pakistan would stop existing the moment we get competent leadership which properly finances the military

India's incompetence isn't Pakistan's problem but Pakistan's strength

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America-sama...i kneel

Pakistan is 7x smaller than India population wise, even between Russia and Ukraine the difference is less than 4x. Yet even Russians, widely humiliated for incompetence, still managed to occupy more Ukrainian territory than India could ever do to Pakistani territory. India's only "success" is occupation of Kashmir and even this is very vague and unstable.

why is our air force so high up..

This ranking has no value. In real life, PAF wins over India and it was proven many times. Pakistan tries to do gestures of good will all the time and release Indian pilots from captivity but they still keep trying.

Pakistan BTFO by India once again, when will they learn?

lol delusional

also for all other air forces this ranking has no value either because they haven't been tried in real life since like WW2. Reality can verify everything.

India isn't incompetent, they're just soft and merciful. Every single time they had Pakistan in their grip, they let go and called for a cease fire. India was obsessed with the world's image of them. they'd endure suicide bombings and shootings without any retaliation or military action so that they could be "good guys" who practiced tolerance and secularism. Fucking retarded lmao
Good thing India doesn't give a fuck anymore and they're actively repressing the leftist academic elite

your airforce couldn't even blitzkrieg a single city in ukraine my dood
