This movie would get called woke if it came out in 2022

This movie would get called woke if it came out in 2022

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By chuds probably

twitter would just try to make this quote about gender

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It's called broke now incel, keep up sweetie

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>extremely anti immigration
>they literally monitor immigrants with satellites and flag them for law enforcement if they leave their neighborhood
Lol, no.

maybe but it would also get called fascist from the left
>zed is a straight white male
>lee is a straight white male
>smith plays a straight character
>no pandering to faggots or trannies
>majority white male cast
the pendulum swings both ways nigga

The opening scene where the men in black lets heaps of Mexicans into the country and clowns the border patrol would have made chuds so angry if the movie was recent.

Plus it has a black lead actor.

They don’t seem to be mad about it now

You could never feel the director or the writers preaching you about marxism at any point in the movie. A white male working together with a black guy to save the world together. No it wouldn't be called woke.

The third movie is from 10 years ago and even that, you couldn't get away with making today

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they live on earth on the pretense theyre not allowed to let humans know theyre there

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Oh yeah, i'm shocked no one has brought that up as racist these days.

isn't this just the joke from the inbetweeners but shittier?

Right before they shoot the unarmed undocumented individual in the back and blow him into blue goo


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I dont think so. It's about immigration control and why it's a good thing.

Chud here. I wasnt mad but now I am!

It came out in the golden age of moviemaking, when racism just wasn't a thing anymore, and most of the studios just wanted to make fun movies for a costumer base who only wanted to have fun. No heavy-handed political pandering or agendas, just plain entertainment with some political themes on the side.

If you call this woke, you just show everyone how little grasp you have on what woke means.

Having a black character by itself is not wokeness.

I have to remind you guys that they actually made Woke Men In Black

Somehow the world got Neuralyzed about it

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You're a Any Forums schizo.
I can tell by the way you type.

Dumb phoneposter

Why does this actor look so familiar.


It's a jungle out there
Disorder and confusion everywhere

Go back to Any Forums

It took me twenty years to realize that Will Smith puckers his lips drinking the lemonade because the wife gave all her sugar to the bug alien the night before.

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Does he have a fake node or something?

Because nobody wanted to go see that.

Talking about politics in a thread about wokeness.. ...completely unacceptable

Does this movie actually exist? I think I've seen it but I can't remember anything from it

Yes. The gag with the character is he can regrown body parts that get blown off, but they don't grow back perfectly so each time it happens he gets a little bit more happy mercha- I mean weird looking.

I never realised

How could you tell?

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The good guys were the bad guys and Thor was neuralyzed by Qui-Gon before he teamed up with Valkyrie.


Liam Neeson turns into this, which I'm sure we'll all agree is much more creative and dynamic than the Vincent D'Nofrio roach design

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Hell, one of the agents even complains how they used to keep the space scum out but not anymore with open borders for earth, with the MIBs being on cleanup rather than prevention

If it came out in 2022 would be called woke because it would be woke and shit and only leftards would like it out of spite.
Lukily it was made before wokeshit

This is so much worse when you realize it's not inflation adjusted.
As in, MIB1 made $935 million in 2019 money

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President of Chuds: we support MiB AND rush hour

I watched about 20 minutes of international on Netflix and then turned it off.

There is a joke in MiB where K keeps introducing Woll Smoth under fake names like Mr. White, Mr. Black, Mr. Brown... there is no real point to this little gag and its very brief but it is funny and shows K has a sharp, restrained humor and is busting J's chops. That joke would not be in it today. If it was the movie would be bitched at for being racist and Tommy Lee Jones would be hounded until he apologized even though he didn't write the script.

chuds call everything woke now,. its lost all meaning

Me on the bottom

>go the the morgue
>K introduces himself as Mr. Black and J as Mr. White
>J just looks at K for a moment

You're on Any Forums, bitch.

>Doctor... Whatever! Come here!
Always cracks me up.

Why was the budget for 3 so high even accounting for will smith's salary it makes zero sense

i realized, i was actually wierded out that they never comment on it cause even as a kid, i thought it was too vague

I rewatched the movie recently and a fun corollary to the joke is that K's real pre-MIB/post-MIB name is 'Kevin Brown'. So not only was K making a funny joke, he was referencing the fact that J would replace him by the end of the movie.
>It's like pottery, it rhymes.

That's the thing
K gives himself "real" names and he gives J color names.

>Dr. Leo Menville, Department of Public Health. This is Dr. White.
>How do you do, ma'am? I'm Special Agent Manheim, this is Agent Black, FBI.

What a waste of bandwidth downloading it.

Just stop being woke, then