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eh, A for effort

Are Muslims actually based?

Why do you think the jews have been shoving a wedge between them and Christians for the last 40 years.

We should make nohomo edits where all the forced faggotry is cut out a thing.

>diversity is our str-
>lgtb against islma-
Religion is just bad ok!

Exactly, we're beginning to run out of cringey last jedi re-cuts

no amogus therefore sus

Why are Disney adults such racist cultural imperialists? Let different cultures govern themselves even if it means Disney takes a profit hit and your resistance of capitalism is set back a little.

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who cares

Stonetoss is a nazi.

Pretty based of Pixar to thumb their noses at various world governments and release the movie they want.

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no, Christianity practices the same shit too except without things like chopping peoples heads off

no, they are better then the satanic cult of israel, but who isnt

>he doesn't know about the saudi cut


>Any Forumsestinians shilling le based islam meme.

Islam is the oldest and greatest enemy of white civilization/Christendom. Tours, Constantinople (twice), Vienna, Slave trade, persecution of christians, Ottoman atrocities, rape, pedophile cults, terrorism. Never forget all the horrors they have thrown our way. They have been at it for centuries and now have aligned with the left/trannies to subvert and destroy us again.

Never let these evil pedo parasites in

literally the whoile world hates muslim. China (worlds largest country) puts them in concentration camps. India's (worlds 2nd largest country) ruling party sponsors pogroms on them. Neither of these places are pozzed either. LGBTQIAAP+ shit just exists in the anglosphere and some parts of europe, it's a non-issue for the rest of the world. But recognizing the blight of Islam is a global belief.

fuck them and fuck Any Forumsestine. no wonder they shill more immigration to Europe.


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Equally based as Christians used to be, pre-neutering.

Tossnazi a stone is

No, they're savages. Christians used to be based, but now they're pussies.

why are there hetero kisses in kids movies?

Fucking stupid jew faggot stfu.