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>Yeah the Sneeds came in but Chuck is missing

Why does no one talk about how drastically Johnny Sack changes from S2 to S3

what happened between him and paulie

Paulie realized that Johnny was using him

Same thing could be said for over half the cast too

>there is no gabagool

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Paulie went to some party and met with Carmine who had no idea who he was, eventhough Johnny always said that he liked Paulie a lot

yeah but what did it mean
maybe carmine was having alheizmers orsomething
why didn't he go to jonny directly

he was putting his life on the line by saying all that shit to Johny and Johny reassured him with "oh yeah Carmine likes you if you ever need you can come to our crew and we'll protect you" but after the party he realized that it was all bullshit

Yeah, Johnny's Pizza Shack? I'd like a hotdog pizza please, extra hotdogs and cream. And a large diet coke.

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Mы хoтим вepнyть дeньги зa эти aвтoмoбили

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There may be a problem

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The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Initiate fallback protocol.

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This was dumb, Carmine would've known Tonys no2 guy

*snickers* is ur frij runnig? :DDDD

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hes not Tony's no2, Sil is, he isnt even a good earner and probably doesnt have any family relations close to Carmine or any of his guys

It doesn't matter, Carmine would never speak to an underlying from another crew even if he did know who Paulie was, but yeah Jonny was just buttering Paulie up and stroking his ego

Can I call you back?
> You called me!
But now I changed my mind, so... talk to you later, bye!

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"Yo, your wife is a fat bitch."

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Paulie broke protocol doing what he did, you don't go up and start talking to the boss of another family like that, especially not in a public setting, even if Carmine knew who he was (and he probably did) he would never have acknowledged that he knew him in such a public setting

They’re a glorified crew

No3 then, in context I meant Sil was his no1 guy, point is still valid