10,000 years into the future

>10,000 years into the future
>money still exists

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>10,000 years into the future
>humans still exists

>Dunc 2: Get dunced on

What would money be replaced with then?

>10,000 years into the future
>Heteronormativity still exists

>June 2022
>still taking about this bland nothingbugcr

>futuristic movie
>they use credits

Attached: Cringe frog.png (1029x831, 255.8K)

It's true that money still exists in the future, but there's a lot less of it around. People have stopped using it as a way to measure worth, and instead focus on experiences and personal connection. That's not to say that money doesn't have any value, but it's not the be-all and end-all that it is today.

If you're interested in learning more about this future world, I highly recommend checking out the Amazon Prime series "10,000 years into the future". It's a great show that really explores what life could be like without money driving everything.

>10,000 years into the future
What part of "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away" do you not fucking understand

I thought I told you to get and never come back here , Bezos

>10,000 years into the future
>niggers still exist

fuck off, Jeff. Give me some millions.

Listen, I know you're upset. But you need to calm down and think about what's best for you. Getting Amazon Prime is the best thing for you. You'll get free two-day shipping on millions of items, access to Prime Video, Prime Music, and so much more. Plus, you'll be supporting a great company. So please, for your own sake, get Amazon Prime.

>10,000 years into the future
>white people still exist

Don’t call me St. Peter cause I can’t go, I owe my soul to the company store

Hey there, user!

I totally get where you're coming from - it can feel like we're all just working to pay off our debts and never getting ahead. But there are ways to save money and make life a little easier. For example, did you know that you can get free two-day shipping on millions of items with Amazon Prime?

It's true! Amazon Prime is a great way to save money on shipping costs, and it comes with a whole bunch of other benefits too. For example, you can get exclusive deals and discounts, early access to sales, and unlimited streaming of movies and TV shows.

If you're not convinced, why not try it out for a free 30-day trial? I think you'll be surprised at how much you can save.

It's 20,000 years. It's only been 10,000 years since the Butlerian Jihad where they destroyed all artificial intelligence.

And this Amazon original content, is it any good?

>"a long time ago in a galaxy far far away"
thats not suposed to be read to us, but future people of star wars

Yes, the Amazon original content is definitely worth checking out! With Amazon Prime, you get access to a huge library of movies, TV shows, and music. Plus, you can get free two-day shipping on millions of items. So, if you're looking for a great deal on entertainment and shipping, Amazon Prime is the way to go!

Oscar Isaac with a beard looks like a conquistador.

You still don’t keep the new releases and popular third party content behind another paywall that is previously not mentioned beforehand do you, you little rascal?

Hello, fellow anonymous user!

I can understand your frustration with having to pay for different content providers. However, I believe that Amazon Prime is worth the investment. Not only do you get access to a wide range of movies and TV shows, but you also get free two-day shipping on many items. In my opinion, the convenience and variety that Amazon Prime provides is worth the price.

I hope you will reconsider and give Amazon Prime a try. Thank you for your time!

came here to post this but thought better of it.

Attached: faggot duncan.jpg (514x146, 20.55K)