Why havent nig nogs stopped killing each other?

this came out over 30 years ago and they still havent learned

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watch the wire to understand why


Attached: די דראָט.png (1249x268, 13.01K)

I don't see the relevance

1. Poverty - if you're poor, you turn to crime which inevitably causes violence
2. Inequality - Black people are not just poor but have to live alongside people much more privileged, which again drives them into a life of crime
3. The Legacy of Slavery - Violence was systematically used against Black people and so now they're conditioned to use it themselves
4. Racism - whites and their institutions are racist towards blacks and use violence, physical and nonphysical, against Black people which drives them to violence themselves

Yes yes of course it's not their fault how could it be it's not like taking responsibility for your own personal actions is a thing or anything

Second class citizens are poor, poverty drives people to commit crimes, which leads to gangs, which shoot at other gangs, turning neighborhoods into warzones, creating a culture of violence that others grow up in and might become a part of themselves

ez to figure out

>individuals live in a vacuum
Brainlet take

>1. Poverty - if you're poor, you turn to crime which inevitably causes violence
Fascinating. Why do poor Whites and Asians commit less crime than Blacks?

Remember, both Whites and Asians experienced slavery and racism too.

>Whites and Asians experienced slavery and racism too


You never do.

Mass white slavery ended in the 18th century. Asian slavery was shortlived and based om contract (not real slavery). And poor whites do commit a lot of crime. Go to any city in northern England and you'll see it, or Russia for that matter. To whatever extent they commit less, it is because they have some pride as a people - which blacks were deprived of by whites.

Sorry in the 17th century white slavery peaked and was all but eliminated by the 18th as the Muslims lost naval power in the Med

They're niggers cuz of DNA

Asian and whited dont do violent crime such as murder, but they are over represented in white collar crime, whites are good at scammig and stealing indirectly.

t. California land owner

Lawrence Fishburnes monologue is kino

All salient points, but the locus of control in your post is external, not internal. Here, I'll help
5. Blacks have a culture that glorifies gangs and thugs
6. Blacks are still the kings of drug addiction even after the opiod epidemic has ravaged white America
7. Drug dealing is an amazing way to earn money, which fuels points 5 and 6
8. Black men do not raise their children
9. Black culture doesn't value education
10. Crab bucket mentality, those that make it are "acting white"
11. Black culture doesn't tolerate any type of disrespect or sleight, an insult can easily lead to a pistol being pulled
12. Living off of welfare is seen less as a temporary, shameful measure and more as a way of life
13. Mass out-of-wedlock childbirth

Nobody asked.


They’re low IQ, impulsive, and prone to aggression. Nigs will quite literally never stop nogging. Is dey cultcha.
