I'm an ordinary Japanese university student. Do you have any question?

I'm not confident my English, but I'll do my best.
I wonder this picture is proof that I am Japanese.

Attached: 真 日本人である証明 ニャオハ ホゲータ.jpg (3840x2160, 1.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:


post your brown nipples to prove it

Do you like Los Suaves?

how different is high school from university?

which nationality is your dad?

masculinebros we lost our best hope is fuecoco but he will probably evolve into something retarded

you are on Any Forums
you are not ordinary


援交 is now called パパ活
it's 90's information

ah thanks
any recommendations on where to look for it?

I didn't know them.
They are cool!

Which books did you had to read during high school for /lit/ classes?

Why post on an english chan and not your own? Whats your favourite music?

In high school, we have school uniform.
In university, we have to be fashionable.
sometimes I wear Kimono.
I study Japanese culture, so it is not strangely.

What do Japanese higjschoolers learn about in history classes?

枕草子, 源氏物語, 方丈記, etc.

My father is Japanese.
My mother is Japanese, too.
Also, my grand parents are Japanese.

how common was パパ活 with your girl classmates?
also what are the best spots in Tokyo for it?

when I was in highschool in europe, girls didnt do it, but they would often date older guys in their 20s so they could drink and go to parties with his car

You are right.

No modern authors? 漱石、太宰、鷗外、even 門左衛門?

I'd like to communicate with world people!
My favorite music is 403's song.
403 is a Japanese indies band.

Is it true that japanese people are suck at friendship? Like most friendships are superficial and people not willing to open up or something like that

How many times did you get NTR'd so far?

Japanese history classes study 2000 years of history.
I think most popular era is 1460-1625.
It is called Sengoku-Jidai.
When there were many ninja and samurai.

Why are you on Any Forums?

I think most popular modern author is Haruki Murakami.
漱石、太宰、鴎外、They are in middle and high school modern literature textbooks.

ACTUALLY TAKESHI-KUN historians split Sengoku-Jidai into two parts, the later-Muromachi period and the Azuchi-Momoyama period
and 1603-onwards is part of the Edo-period
read a book sweatie

Attached: 1656504848376.jpg (880x496, 45.8K)

My English dictionary don't know NTR.