Stanley Kubrick

I discovered the films of Stanley Kubrick about 4 years ago, and since then I have watched his films many times and studied them in depth. I believe that all of his films are greater than the books they are based on. I believe that his films have more intellectual depth, are made with more skill and talent than almost any book. I cannot say this about any other filmmaker. Kubrick also put years of research into all of his films, claiming to read "every available book" on the subjects which his films were based on.

If you haven't seen these films, they are masterpieces and you should watch them ASAP:
>Dr. Strangelove
>2001: A Space Odyssey
>A Clockwork Orange
>Barry Lyndon
>The Shining
>Full Metal Jacket
>Eyes Wide Shut

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Rob Ager is /ourguy/ and has the definitive take on Kubrick's films.

I agree.

I'm going to reveal how filtered I am. I do not like Kubric. At all

>Dr. Strangelove
Only film of his I actually like. It's good.
>2001: A Space Odyssey
I appreciate aspects of it but don't find it enjoyable to watch. It's decent but meh. 2010 is better lmao
>A Clockwork Orange
I've never sat down and watched it from beginning to end. My dad made me watch it as a kid and I've never appreciated it.
>Barry Lyndon
Tried to watch it, watched 30 minutes, kind of interesting but not enough that I continued watching it
>The Shining
Don't care for it at all. Doctor Sleep is however kino
>Full Metal Jacket
Not a good movie.
>Eyes Wide Shut
Never saw it, Hollywood pedos creep me out, I'd probably enjoy it but I just don't want to watch it

Real film makers write their own stories.

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what about his earlier movies?

The Killing and Paths Of Glory are brilliant.

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You need to watch more films, retard, not just obsess over a meme director.

Based The Killing Chad
This is my favorite heist movie after Heat and tied with Point Break

The Asphalt Jungle is a masterpiece as well.

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Also, Thief is great.

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I have two choices
1. Sleep and be fully rested and ready to tackle the work day tomorrow, without regrets
2. Watch Eyes Wide Shut for the first time, while I'm already on a Cruise Kick from Maverick.. but be more tired tomorrow, and also risk falling asleep watching the movie which is a think that could happen


EWS is the ultimate night time film.

>I believe that all of his films are greater than the books they are based on

Not a great compliment considering he mostly adapted mediocre books. Lolita is the exception and the book is indisputably better

I see that you've stopped trying to shill your retarded opinion in /lit/.

When you grow up and start reading the classics properly then you will see how stupid you were.

>Barry Lyndon
>Dream Story
>Clockwork Orange
>mediocre books

I said mostly mediocre books, even then the ones you mentioned are nowhere near the level of Lolita

I mostly agree, Kubrick and Scorsese are my exceptions, but Herman Mankiewicz wrote Citizen Kane.

>I believe that all of his films are greater than the books they are based on.
Doesn't apply to Lolita.

he has many delusional borderline schizophrenic theories

>No the Killing

U had 1 job OP.

That are incredibly well argued and substantiated. Truly based.

>I discovered
What the hell is up with this alt right terminology, you didn't "discover" it you illiterate motherfucker, you found out about it from watching people on the internet praising them, you didn't embark on a personal journey into the unknown unaware of what you'd might find. Try to read some more, you're lexicon is high school tier at best