Post screenshot of Indian Street View

>post screenshot of Indian Street View
>get banned for scat

Attached: pepe-the-frog-670x366.jpg (670x366, 22.98K)

>look at screenshot of romanian street view
>get my watch stolen

Not a single street shitting incident has been viewed on google STREETviews. Behold the Superpower whiteboi

Attached: unkil.jpg (453x410, 52.47K)

>post screenshot of Italian Street View
>get yelled at by an Italian: "that's not how you take the screenshotinno toscanhno!!!"

I can smell this pepe

now you will have to let me smell you in exchange uwu

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>mfw a trip to India is marketed as all you can eat in Germany

Attached: 1620460987597.gif (800x430, 564.42K)

Funny how I remember you posting this exact same joke months ago.

Attached: Screenshot_20220521-150110-553.png (1080x1915, 496.92K)

it's a funny joke ngl

Wait, is that true??
You are from Australia. That in itself is infinitely trashier than any specific bad stuff that can happen in Italy lol

Yep ik, it's just find the coincidence of find the same poster twice, months apart


Why would you even remember me?

I didn't remember you, i remembered the joke because it was funny.



poo people

Attached: davlh6jkaie61.jpg (2448x3264, 753.35K)

most Indian cities on GSV indeed look like it was expected from them and like the stereotype says but I must admit Bangalore looks way above average and generally quite decent. obviously it's not first world but it's relatively clean and maintained, i wouldn't feel disgusted there

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looks more like Malaysia than India which is a good thing

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