This movie is an allegory for god, Mother Earth. The human race and their slow defilement and rape of said mother earth...

This movie is an allegory for god, Mother Earth. The human race and their slow defilement and rape of said mother earth.

In the third act. When all hell breaks loose. When the swat breaks in. There is a scene where these violent fanatics are keeping woman in cages. Near the scene where swat breaks into the house. Lawrence tries to free the women from the cages but is unable to. Just then she is grabbed by one of these evil cretins.

Theres two of them. One of them gropes and violently molests Lawrence (whom represents mother earth). The other says to the groper; “and the Angel?”. “Defiled” the groper says as he lets Lawrence go.

Just then the other says to the groper

“Check the other Goyem”

Just what did Darren Aronofsky mean by this?

They defilers were clearly you know

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who cares

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yes, and?

Stupid movie

Jew detected

actually the house is earth, mother is god, and Man is the church.

donal trumps


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wtf is this real?

Man is god. He literally says it at the end you dingus.

sure is

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the church thinks it is God, yes.

a bunch of midwits got caught trying to interpret this movie but what it really is is just kino surreal entertainment

the tone and build up of tension is awesome and you should focus on the interpersonal psychological character aspects, not what anything 'means'

link to the rest?

watching this flick destroy my opening day roastie audience will forever be one of my favorite movie theater memories.

it's everywhere

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It’s literally super simple and spells everything out for you. Its not interpretation.

Ed helms is adam.
From adams rib eve is created (Michelle pfeiffer)
Then cane & abel come
Then mother earth/god kill off humanity and the sodomites with a flood (the scene where the sink breaks the water pipes in the house and everyone flees)
Mother earth and god give birth to jesus
Man in its flawed nature destroys jesus
God being the all forgiving he is forgives mankind
Mother earth has had it and decides to wipe out the human race
God from ashes creates anew. Always willing to try again and hoping this time it will work

Film isnt complicated at all. Dobt be a brainlet

I don't care and infact it's a common criticism that what the film 'means' is too simple.

It actually just doesn't matter.

not her


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I mean it's obviously her based off of chest freckles BUT SURE

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Derailed into a coomer thread

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