I miss this nigga so bad

I miss this nigga so bad

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muldoon survived in the book and was hella based. Exploding velociraptors and shooting Rex with a fucking tow missle launcher

>Cleva g-ACK

What did his leg day regiment look like?


so many George Floyd necks

Big game hunter

>always ausfalian or a south african

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That character should get its own video game.


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a muldoon x tembo movie about hunting dinos and saving idiots would be kino

Both actors are dead, but maybe even we get to heaven we can watch the movie there.

>Two white leads
>No nonsense "Great White Hunters" types.
>BIG guns

Yep, no way Hollywood would greenlight this

Just play the genesis version of the game

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What's this archetype called?

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>keep large amount of mobile animals in a 3 metre pen
>wtf why they so angry

Attached: Velociraptor_Pen.png (1920x1080, 3.66M)

>we will never get big game dino hunting kino with these two
I hate this timeline

>a male, a BUCK.jpg
>how and why are my business.png

a movie about jim corbett would also suffice

Jurassic Park aged so well, it's uncanny.

Why didn’t they just cover the whole thing up?