This girl ruined her life

>she gets her ribs removed to make the perfect figure >extreme use of the corset on the ribcage
She is going to have major and irreversible (possibly fatal) health problems within a few years.

Attached: 1657403823728.webm (540x960, 2.93M)

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not my problem

I don't know, I too like a big butt butt hers kinda looks wierd.

Not my problem now is it?

This Why do you care about some whore, OP? Is she your sister?
If so, give me her number.

Why should I care?

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Oh noes, poor girl. Women should learn to love their bodies, it's important. Sending best wishes to her.

Why the fuck would you make a thread about this?

this feels like a 9gag post

Take your meds, incels

Attached: 1661030490765250.webm (640x640, 1.12M)

has she tried losing weight?

she will never shit on you.
how do you cope with this fact?

>She is going to have major and irreversible (possibly fatal) health problems within a few years.

didn't ask + don't care + why do you?


Is there any proof?

Comments at sites with her pack discussing about that, the girl removed all her ribs, femoids stupidity has no limits.

Attached: CD3.jpg (790x1404, 114.11K)

Take your siesta

i know one singer who did that
still alive many yers alater

are you talking about marilyn manson?