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climate change will only make it worse

I just fact checked it and its actually a good thing

The only thing worst than climate change are our shitty politicians that will find the excuse of climate change as the reason to allow millions more inside Europe.

If we had real politicians instead of globalists agents, no african or muslims would be allowed to enter.

And thank God we have the Mediterranean Sea.

And Starlink free internet in Africa will make it even worst since millions of africans will see our way of life, or how to get the best routes to Europe or they could contact NGO´s to organize their invasion.

Why can't Euros just say "no"

swedes are NOT gonna enjoy this

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Just want nonwhites to die

By "No" you mean shooting them with small caliber machine guns when the dingies get too near?

>all africans move to Europe
>Europe recolonises Africa
I like where this is going

It needs to get worse before it gets better. Europe is full of retards that can't see the problem unless they're directly affected. Good luck hiding in your white suburb when half the country is black.

Hope they are here after I leave and I hope they will kill everyone here

Kill yourself filthy Ruskie

Great news for white women, thoughever.

European politics are entirely dominated by gullible 50 year olds and women.
There won't be any stopping at all. We will put out a public message begging them to limit their flow to 5 million per year but anyone making it here will be treated like a holy cow.
It's fucking over.

So like South Africa?

And worst of it when blacks-muslims-whatever are in full control of governments (or able to impose racial quotas or laws against natives -diversity laws-)... That USA people (a country created 200 years ago) impose diversity laws is one thing...that they pretend to impose diversity laws against Europeans (people that have been living in Europe for more than 5000 years) will only make us definitely revolt in the hardest way.

Our politshitcians will defend diversity laws and will sell them as something different than what they really are: discrimination against natives. So, everything will blow up, even these fake democracies.


You mean better? Europe's getting more doctors, engineers, and scientists. Why is this a bad thing?

>africans move to other lands
>those countries now have to spend financial resources taking care of the non working trouble makers
>go to empty africa to get resources

funny china is already taking their resources and land and yet not letting a single one in, but when they do it then it's fine

Last week in Dutch news:
>"Why can't we just stop taking in refugees? It would be illegal"
Like how do these fucks imagine the law works when we're the ones who made it and enforce it?

I bet all the women in afrika will get real lonely down there hehehe might move down so I can keep them company y'know ;)

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Unlikely, year after year "far right" raises in Europe and politicians know that it is mainly because of this

>When they do it it's fine
According to who? They themselves don't give a fuck, their newspaper editors get executed if they bring it up and they probably block access to the Washington Post.
If we do it it's fine as well, given we create the above circumstances

Why would Africans want to go to China? It's the same reason why Africans don't stay in Greece when they reach Europe.