How the fuck do firsties manage without maids?

How the fuck do firsties manage without maids?

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I do little cleaning.

Why would I hire some poorfag bitch to clean my apartment and cook my meals? I would die of embarrassment and cringe due to being so useless and pathetic that I'm unable to do something so simple myself

Adults here are supposed to know how to take care of themselves

i would rather set myself on fire if i have to clean the dishes or do my my own laundry

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How much does it cost?

how do you think the maid manages?

If you're not a slob in the first place you don't need a maid.

like 200 usd a month
they do each other's houses

At the start of every new semester, it really is a great feeling getting woken up and evacuated from your dorm at 4AM by fire fighters, just because the new Indian exchange students who can't cook due to being serviced by maids all their lives either triggered the fire alarm or started an actual fire. My favorite college tradition, ahhh

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Happens in every cunt mate. It was typical in British halls too.

firsties clean by pressing a button
>washing machine drier combo
>dish machine
>pyrolytic oven
no shit
Brits have even more of these Pajeets

its just our food is very oily and smokes while cooking. I used to tie a cloth over my fire alarm in london in order to eat proper food

I have a maid shes hot but shes 29 and im 19

Anyone with a maid/cleaner is a bourgeois parasite who should be dumped in the Katyn forest.

We suffer
our living standards are far below rich thirdies that post on here

I like cleaning the house, cooking food, cleaning up the dishes and washing clothes
I have a washing machine, clothes dryer, dishwasher and a vacuum so it's not that hard
Granted I'm not autistic about cleaning like some people so don't bother dusting the house every 2 weeks like some people do

its a very middle class thing here to have maids here. people who make 500 usd a month have maids (more like cleaners). labor is just cheap

Firstoids- even the middle class- live in smaller homes because
>Lone renter or
>Nuclear family
And have all sorts of appliances helping them. Making house-maintenance easy. Its not like here in Southeast Asia (or there) where the middle class & rich live in expansive multigenerational households that are a bitch to clean.

t. I was a boarding student in Austria. I thank god every day that my grandmother taught me how to cook since she didn't like any maid's cooking.

Oh and I should, add, the Temperatefag firties living in 4 seasons don't have to deal with perennial fucking dust and humidity every time. So unlike us they can afford to just clean like once a week instead of every fucking day.

I don't manage
The house I grew up in was dirty and so is the one I live in now. Nobody has the energy too clean after working.

we used to pitch in together to get a cleaner for our college dorm. survived on a pure instant noodles diet three years though

They don’t

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