Is Yurup really such a fucking shithole?!?

Is Yurup really such a fucking shithole?!?

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Not enough school shootings for ya?

>he doesn't know about the gypsy camps

Yes, its a dangerous thirs world shithole, they LITERALLY have "No-go Zones"

Actually no. A disarmed population are slaves to the state. Without agency the people of Europe are doomed. So, a few more school shootings are exactly what Europe needs.

Why do you pay taxes?

Why do American say things like this when they have the largest surveillance agencies in the world watching them?VHVMP

>be stationed in Italy
>drive to work every day over a one lane bridge with a small grassy area adjacent the bridge
>admire the serene beauty of the flowers, ducks, and creek by the bridge
>one day said grassy area is now occupied by a couple of gypsy caravans
>naked children running amok
>trash piled outside
>one day caravans are gone and all that remains is a pile of garbage, old mattress, and a fire pit

FUCK gypsies.

The NSA isn't chartered for domestic surveillance. I learned that from the movie Sneakers. I assume it's true.

>I assume it's true.
It's not.

In NYC our mayor recently ordered all homeless encampments demolished :)

What movie did you hear that from? Sounds like bullshit to me.

Its quite diverse and beautiful.

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The US is much larger landmass wise than any european country. Out of probably 20 shootings in the last 10 years I've been within 500 miles of maybe one. If you live in England and a shooting happened you could drive to where it happened in an hour.

Do you remember a few months ago that crazy black guy who rented a U-Haul, drove to NYC, shot up a subway in Brooklyn, then ran away, went to a bunch of tourist attractions and later called the police on himself? I was riding the subway at the exact time that shooting happened, though a different line. That was a little disquieting.

shame they had all subway cameras off in that location only and every other camera in the system worked. just those ones ranodmly turned off. so weird how things happen like that.

Yes thanks to Alb*nians


Federal government is ran by appointees serving their political masters. The NSA is no different.

>Go to America
>Get shot
>Go to Africa
>Get raped
>Go to Middle East
>Get beheaded
>Go to Europe
>Get sold into sex slavery
>Go to Asia
>Get disappeared by the government
Is there anywhere in the world where you can feel safe?

Why must everything be a conspiracy to you, isn't incompetent lowest bidder contractors installing a faulty camera in the subway a likelier story than this being a conspiracy it just is ok!!!

What movie told you that?

Imagine the smell

Europe has a lot of shady shit going down due to the fact that the Soviets made life absolute shit in the east, and those that could fled to the west when the Soviets collapsed.

>In Budapest we had some random asshole try to extort money out of us for a "tourist tax". We also went to a club that demanded we check in our coats with the only entrance being an elevator being guarded by doormen...we bailed.
>Eiffel tower in Paris is absolutely swarming with black Africans looking to steal shit from tourists
>Turks in Germany run strip clubs and try to extort money from customers by charging outrageous prices for drinks

Socialism is truly cancer.

>Turks in Germany run strip clubs and try to extort money from customers by charging outrageous prices for drinks
Why would anyone ever go to a strip club? Especially in Germany where prostitution is legal, and every city has a red light district.

>doubling down on stupidity
Not working.

Only to Americans
