Say something nice about Taiwan!

Say something nice about Taiwan!

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it is a nice province of ours

my favorite country on the entire planet. I like chinese people very much but I hate commies and I don't like mainland chinese government. Taiwan is basically chinese people without China which is perfect combination. If we'd have visa free entry to Taiwan I'd visit it long ago

it is a nice prefecture of ours

I thought you guys are friend

There are no friends on Any Forums

their girls are cute

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as russia run round like headless chicken in ukr, xi propaganda has shifted russia from great ally to "partner (no alliance" and "associate".

It is a nice colony of ours.

But Russia is winning massively moron
Do people in China believe western war propaganda too? What a waste

Do Chinese really take military action to taiwan soon? I heard your government makes many warships recently.

They won't do shit.

we're friends. you don't need to like political regime to be friends with someone

Russians eating Chicomcum will never get old.

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Why is your image of a Korean girl? If you are going to use the wrong thing, at least get an image of a girl from Best Korea.

Shut up Jap no one wants your crooked teeth moonfaced alien women.

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I just wonder atmosphere of mainland

initially pro russia sentiment encouraged by censor but as barbarian tactic (blow up childre hospital, bucha, cut dick off pow), failures in field against pathetic ukraine, now xi and people shift away to neutral position, mostly.

average people on street not really care since begin of war/have diff ideas

They had a big scripted demonstration where they denounced USA and Japan and continued to do nothing. You can watch street interviews from Asian Boss and normal people there don't even care about it.

This is why no one likes you. This is a topic of Taiwan and even then you can't troll properly.

why does china simp for russia so much? they hate you

It is a nice interest of ours.

We don't need you to like us, you will be our bitch forever you shifty little Jap. Don't start yapping or you'll get the hose again.

Fuck off we are full (unless you are Japanese, in which case welcome)

are you retarded? (thought never needed to ask its obvious anyway)

chinese people are behave very respectful in here so I like them

who talked about China itself?

man american brains are so slow

But these are all lies. Russia has committed to minimizing civilian casualties. That's why they're advancing at a slow pace. They could just glass Kiev tomorrow if they wanted to. Ukrainians are terrorists, they even killed Dugin's daughter. Sad to see people in China have fallen for the lies.

it not simp even by xi it has gone from warm partnership to cooler relation. the chinese are peaceful people we do not want fullscale war over insignificant ukraine. russia is alone there


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Boring. Can you at least be an interesting troll? If not, don't you have another politician or company exec. to arrest for corruption and then release a little while later?

Keep eating that Chicomcum russhit.

russians are basically orcs.

Eat shit hohol-muttmerican

Yes we all know that Japan is not corrupt at all and the LDP is very responsive to the needs of the Japanese people.

Sigh, you just don't get it. This is why you'll never be Best Korea.

did your son already made transition so some jewish rich queer can fuck him in the ass?