Why do some Arabs look part black?

Why do some Arabs look part black?

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Aren't nafris basically mulatto in some instances

Because they are

you answered your question


They have a lot of horner admixture. Arabs are the original mutts. Also in Iraq, the levant and Egypt they had large gypsy settlements who they integrated fairly well into the region

These people are subhuman criminals.

Cause they are.

Because theyre part serbian

Attached: 1658771701326846.jpg (1522x864, 387.01K)

I'm gonna guess Arab slavers in North Africa

Not really they're mostly Berber

Attached: Human_Y-chromosome_DNA_haplogroups_(percentages).svg.png (1280x793, 294.1K)

they do not have horner admixture you fucking retard., rarely anyone outside the Horn does. They bantu admixture from zimbabwe and tanzania.

Berbers are pretty dark when they don't have vandal admixture

Attached: blue-man-of-the-desert-berber-tribe-morocco-B649GG.jpg (1040x1390, 205.69K)


>posts Touareg that are literal mutts from intermarriage
American posters are so fucking stupid they even get their race autism wrong

>ancient admixture and early medieval admixture
yes we raped them under the order of king kaleb but it's none of it is recent. Gulfies do have bantu admixture thats recent though

Berbers don't have a definite skin color because they're spread across completely different climates. Desert berbers are dark-skinned, mountain berbers are fair-skinned, other berbers are more-or-less olive-skinned.

tanzania are Hadza not bantu

I am yacub

That said, guy in picrel does look like he has some African origins, it's not uncommon in Touareg populations as they are in direct contact with Sub-Saharan Africans.

What does a pure Arab look like? Do they still exist?

Go to Sweden and you'll see

Sweden full of nafris and somalis not arabs