You did this to her

You did this to her.

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I'm not an american. Is that a bad thing?

TJ Maxx usually has some good shit

it's kind of funny how much of an average white american woman she looks

Is this what winning feels like?

It's all a publicity stunt. She's trying to make herself look vulnerable so she can pull the victim shit to weasel herself back into acting roles.

Leave this woman alone.

TJ Maxx is for people who own a house but not a house that costs more than a mil

So what's she implying? Only poor broke people shop at TJ Maxx? I get my shirts from there but I'm well off financially. Fucking celebrities are really out of touch with real people.


I can't imagine a mindset where living like an ordinary person is considered hell.

what is shops for homeless/car living?

just google the hamptons dude

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I love seeing people get what they deserve

do murricans really think that multimillionare hollywood jewstars will EVER go broke?
she has like 60 million USD in the bank and 7 villas

Being a non-American is pretty bad

Does she have a gofundme or patreon. I want to give her my money.

Complete coincidence that TMZ happened to know exactly where she'd be, huh? Those pictures are awfully close up, why is she nonchalantly browsing through clothes completely ignoring the cameraman standing two feet away from her snapping pictures?

Why is shopping at a store like TJ Maxx considered a bad thing? I got my backpack from there and its lasted me years.

Onlyfans soon

>what is a phone camera shot sold for 500 bucks to TMZ, Alex

Not really. My parents have a 3 million dollar net worth and shop there. said it right, it's for middle class people who want designer goods but don't mind buying last year's leftovers or the clothes that don't meet upscale retail quality control (the stuff is still good, but had minor imperfections like one sleeve on a button down being an inch longer)

>what is amber's known history of tipping off tmz in advance when she wants her picture taken at the right opportune moment

The year is 2022, cameras are everywhere and everyone has one, ready to record your worst moments and share them with the entire world at any time.

>TJ Maxx
>In the Hamptons

TJ Maxx may as well be Rodeo Drive in my dinky little town.

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For the Mexican workers that take care of the rich people's houses

You need to take your meds if you think this woman we just watched out herself as a bpd psycho on live TV is hatching this brilliant PR stunt to get intentionally caught in a Tj Maxx of all places, which is not even that cheap a store. It's not like anybody with over a million dollars just buys the finest silks and furs from rodeo drive every single day, you have a worldview warped by social media

I shop for my clothes at goodwill
Boo fucking hoo, she can only afford to spend 50$ on a shirt rather than 500

goodwill and the salvation army