Are you lost in your cunt?

We have too much and too little
Society's stuck in a deep stasis.
Too many conveniences, too little motivation, too many choices, too few options.

>Soldier, Teacher, Explorer, Scholar, Artist
>Assistant Microbiology Diversity and Inclusion Executive, Senior Regional Manager to Undersecretary of Shoelace Procurement - Nike, Nano Sewage Treatment Junior Engineer Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe Specialist
It's like everything that's existed for 2022 years has been dissected and the internet/social media has caused mass hysteria

What will you do?

Attached: Paris 1920s.webm (540x380, 2.92M)

Have sex

And that will fix everything surely
Because once you ejaculate, society ceases to exist?

Too little time

you're an underage retard, get a grip

I’m not underage

But the underage response would be to say “have sex get a grip”
NPCs perhaps

>I’m not underage
that's even worse
if you're too retarded to grasp modern complex society needs diversified jobs idk what to tell you
if you think modern society is bad, go live in the bush somewhere

You’re missing the point and fixating on the job titles
I didn’t say society was bad I said it was confused and confusing

Thank god they don't speak German now.

I feel the same. There's too much variation in everything.

your ancestors worked hard to give you an easy life, pay respect
barely anyone in the world has the same amount of privilege you do

It’s like the paradox of choice overtook every aspect of society
>quadrillions of movies, music, clothes, food, occupations, websites, genders, etc

>The paradox of choice stipulates that while we might believe that being presented with multiple options actually makes it easier to choose one that we are happy with, having an abundance of options actually requires more effort to make a decision and can leave us feeling unsatisfied with our choice

Attached: 33A54DAF-2DA9-4C20-9F7F-E35D208F5639.jpg (550x419, 122.58K)


I’m not disrespecting anyone and it’s all relative

You’re not starving in a village being hunted by the Taliban because someone falsely claimed youre resistance but you still have Russian struggles

You don’t have choices?

I can’t treat seriously a faggot who’s under a “choice” sees only “movies, games, cloth, food” and pretends he’s 200iq

no, my only choice at this point is to be a slave for your prosperity and collect the breadcrumbs

it's not relative but I can see your actual issue now
it's entirely in your head, you've had so much spoon fed to you that it spoiled your monkey brain
and you naturally believe it's the same for everyone (except for villages in afghanistan)

this thread is the epitome of "strong men make easy times, easy times make weak men"
and you're weak as fuck op

>you're so privileged having your country being invaded by foreigners and living under a government that hates you

>I can’t treat seriously a faggot who’s under a “choice” sees only “movies, games, cloth, food” and pretends he’s 200iq
I didn’t say games. I don’t play games. And I just gave random examples
I didn’t imply I was 200iq. I’m not even being coherent I’m just spitballing

Also you guys are overestimating the severity of what I said or something

>had so much spoon fed to you that it spoiled your monkey brain and you naturally believe it's the same for everyone (except for villages in afghanistan
I don’t understand. Spoon fed what?? What’s my issue
Why don’t you make an easy time for your country? You seem very strong

those foreigners are working cheapest jobs barely paid no vacation to sustain your lifestyle, trying to have the slightest portion of what you've always had
pay respect retard

Is this ironic? I thought the slave mentality was a meme. No one thinks about Russians in America I can assure you. Besides saying “Putin bad war bad” it’s not something we consider

Not him but most jobs these days are horseshit and contribute nothing to society, other than giving people a wage and purpose to get up each morning.