ITT: We post kinos

ITT: We post kinos
Its that simple

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My man.

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shit poster aside. this movie is kino.

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Does anyone else think that mediocre studio-backed action/adventure films from the 90s/early 2000s are often times far better than anything that's considered "good" now?

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Yes, easily

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Without a doubt. I'd rather watch Black Knight than anything currently in theaters.

"There won't be a next time. You're late."

What's the difference between this and student bodies? My childhood brain made me think they're the same movie.

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I think it's definitely nostalgia for the period. I disliked many of those films at the time of their release, but I find myself going back to watch them with a new fondness now.

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Wrong thread buddy

>I think it's definitely nostalgia for the period.

I disagree. I didn't watch most of those until my 20s because I wasn't allowed to growing up. They're far better than the garbage coming out today.

Cruise has so many kinos

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