Botellón (Spanish for "big bottle") is a Spanish activity when people congregate in public areas to socialize while...

>Botellón (Spanish for "big bottle") is a Spanish activity when people congregate in public areas to socialize while drinking alcohol.
Does this happen in your country?

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Come to Spain, we will do botellón together

Attached: botellón1.webm (480x360, 1.97M)

Yes this is done in Indian universities. Even the way they have all the coke and other cold drinks with what looks like cheap liquor and those exact same plastic glasses. Only, we have fewer girls (because obviously) and the ones here are ruthlessly mogged by the sluts in OP's picture.
yes this too, we get drunk then piss around in the bushes and trees (not like it's not already common here; again girls rarely partake).

based India

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Damn wtf we do this too vghhh my ancestors

i have done botellon 2 times in finland and its just a regular day of drinking in the park

I do this every weekend.

Yes, we call it "being homeless"

Can I go to a botellón if I visit Spain?
Will anyone talk to me?
Will any girls talk to me?

El sueco jjajsajajaj

José will talk to you but he has ulterior motives

They tried it once in my city and then banned it because everyone left their trash all over the beach

We dont give it a name, its just going out

Attached: cd84b0a96447870efdf65ee6007a01cc.jpg (600x402, 73.12K)

yes, just approach a group and make conversation

never. we prefer to drink alone and nude

The most terrifying words anyone has ever said

just say you're from finland, they will think "haha he just wants to tan and drink" and they will welcome you

If it is very special then we might call it Trinkgelage (drinking feast). But often we just call it Saufen (derogatory term for drinking). But we stay more in our friend groups and don't socialize with other people that much - at least at the start of it.
What is more common: imported alcohol or one which is produced in India?
Haha... that is really easy, right bros... haha

>one which is produced in India?
Alcohol that's really imported is usually too expensive for college students. Most foreign brands produce it here.

Cool to know. What is more popular: beer, wine or hard liquor?

Beer and hard liquor. When I was in college, my drink of choice was dark rum mixed with coke or vodka mixed with sprite. Was never a fan of beer because it took drinking more to get as drunk ,which was the real goal lol, wine was more of the same.

I generally don't mix but I'M quite fond of Jägermeister mixed with passion fruit juice. Looks like shit but tastes nice.
>because it took drinking more to get as drunk ,which was the real goal lol
I'm so glad that I've left that phase.