holy kino

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the 2003 show is the best version of TMNT, no cap frfr

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>Despite having a lot of child-friendly elements from the cartoon, manages to be surprisingly faithful to the original comic book
>New York is appropriately dark and gritty
>Story about family
>Suits look great

Attached: donatelloHasHadIt.jpg (763x893, 106.53K)

>Get the guy who directed the Billie Jean and Take on Me Music videos and pair him with Jim Henson
>What do you get?
Straight kino.

Attached: Turtles.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

Unlike most beloved things from childhood, this has aged like a fine wine. I like it more every time I watch

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pork rind....?

Pork rind.

Attached: Pork rind.jpg (902x480, 27.42K)

unironically kino

why cant they remake one with a hot bimbo april oniel so i can fap.

tonight I will remind you of what was lost!

Attached: GrittyTurtles.png (1134x198, 45.01K)

what is TMNT a metaphor of?

Wanna watch it but I fear I might cry.

Attached: canopener.webm (1920x1080, 1.26M)



this movie made me want to join a cool gang like that with a skateboard ramp arcade smoking cigarettes lol

Looks like a giant turtle in a trenchcoat.
So you goin to la Guardia?

wait part 2 was actually the good one i like

Why is everything after these movies cursed to fuckin suck so hard? It seems like such an easy slam dunk, and I don't know that I've ever seen a single iteration of turtles shy 1-2-3 reach their full potential
>But 3 is bad
It's no worse than everything else we've slurped up for 20 years

2 was all around a more fun film, 1 was just better made

The Micheal Bay movie was great. Sequel was decent.

The 2nd bay film was pretty solid actually.
Krang was perfect, and they did an interesting thing making april a reporter who's dad was a scientist experimenting with the turtles. They improved the turtle designs for the 2nd one too

shut up negroid

It hurts

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I didn't like it. I didn't vehemently hate it like reddit did on its hate campaign and the characterizations of the turtles were actually really good for Michael bay but eh...